Art. I. In General, §§ 30-1 – 30-4
Art. II. General Provisions Relating to City Transit System, §§ 30-5 – 30-10
Article I. In General
Sec. 30-1. Department of transportation established.
Sec. 30-2. Powers and duties of the department of transportation.
Sec. 30-3. Functional units established under the department of transportation.
Sec. 30-4. Environmental property access privilege program (EPAPP); fees; monitor wells.
Article II. General Provisions Relating to City Transit System
Sec. 30-5. Definitions.
Sec. 30-6. Powers and duties of enforcement agents.
Sec. 30-7. Specified unlawful activities.
Sec. 30-8. Use restrictions.
Sec. 30-9. Violation declared a civil infraction; penalties.
Sec. 30-10. Impeding a transit vehicle; towing.
(Ord. No. 8070, § 2, 6-21-93)
The department of transportation shall perform such work and duties as the city manager may designate, and the director of transportation shall carry out such assigned duties and functions, including the supervision of functional units established within the department of transportation, as deemed advisable.
(Ord. No. 8070, § 2, 6-21-93)