Sec. 12A-1. Business services department established; director established; powers and duties; definitions; finance and procurement functions.
Sec. 12A-2. Director, assignment powers.
Sec. 12A-3. Reserved.
Sec. 12A-4. Reserved.
Sec. 12A-5. Interest on past due accounts receivable.
Sec. 12A-6. Director to execute and endorse checks.
Sec. 12A-7. Dishonored check fee.
Sec. 12A-8. Collection fee.
(a) There is hereby established a business services department in accordance with the provisions of Chapters V [Section 2(14)], XV, and XXIX of the Charter.
(b) The head of the business services department shall be the director of such department, who shall have the duties and powers as set forth in the Charter, including those described in subsection (c) below, and as otherwise established elsewhere in the Charter and this Code.
(c) The director shall have the duties and powers as set forth in Chapter XV of the Charter and Chapter 28 of this Code, relating to the director of procurement; and as set forth in Chapter XXIX of the Charter, relating to the director of finance. The director shall be appointed and removed as provided in Chapter V, Section 6 of the Charter and Chapter XXIX, Section 4 of the Charter, each of which provides for appointment by the city manager, subject to approval of the mayor and council, and removal by the city manager.
(d) For the purposes of this Chapter, and unless the context plainly requires otherwise, the following terms, phrases and words shall have the meaning given herein:
(1) Department means the business services department, which includes both the department of procurement and the department of finance.
(2) Director means the director of the business services department, who also serves as the director of finance as provided in Chapter XXIX of the Charter and elsewhere in the Charter and Code; and who serves as the director of procurement as provided in Chapter XV of the Charter and elsewhere in the Charter and Code, including but not limited to Chapter 28 of the Code.
(e) On and after the effective date of this Section, wherever any provision of this Code refers to the director of procurement and/or the director of finance, such reference means the director of the business services department; and wherever any provision of this Code refers to the department of finance and/or the department of procurement, such reference means the business services department.
(Ord. 11524, § 1, 2-6-18)