Subject to the prior approval of the city manager, the human resources director shall appoint a job evaluation team, which shall include representatives of the city's recognized labor organizations. Excepting the mayor and council, charter officers appointed directly by the mayor and council (city manager, city attorney, city clerk and city magistrates), police and fire commissioned classifications, golf professional classifications and hourly classifications, the job evaluation team will evaluate on a periodic basis all existing or new classifications and will make job evaluation grade recommendations to the human resources director and the city manager. The job evaluation shall be based on factors and levels that are consistent with professionally established criteria. Subject to prior approval of the city manager, the human resources director shall record the final job evaluation grades as part of the adopted classification plan.
(Ord. No. 9675, § 1, 2-25-02)
Editors Note: It should be noted that the provisions of Ord. No. 9675 become effective June 30, 2002.