* Cross References: Bicycles, ch. 5
Art. I. In General, §§ 20-1--20-39
Art. II. Administration, §§ 20-40--20-90
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 20-40--20-67
Div. 2. Violations, §§ 20-68--20-90
Art. III. Pedestrians, §§ 20-91--20-108
Art. IV. Traffic-Control Devices, §§ 20-109--20-134
Art. V. Operation, §§ 20-135--20-172
Art. VI. One-Way Streets and Stop Streets, §§ 20-173--20-199
Art. VII. Stopping, Standing and Parking, §§ 20-200--20-299
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 20-200--20-209
Div. 2. Administration, §§ 20-210--20-219
Div. 3. Parking for Individuals with Physical Disabilities, §§ 20-220--20-224
Div. 4. Basic Parking Controls, §§ 20-225--20-245
Div. 5. Nuisance Parking Controls, §§ 20-246--20-270
Div. 6. Safety Issues, §§ 20-271--20-299
Art. VIII. Taxicab Regulations, §§ 20-300--20-399
Art. IX. Trolleys, §§ 20-400--20-499
Art. X. Soliciting Employment, Business or Contributions From Occupants of Vehicles, §§ 20-500--20-502
Article I. In General
Sec. 20-1. Definitions.
Sec. 20-2. Civil traffic violations.
Sec. 20-3. Penalties.
Sec. 20-4. Applicability to public employees.
Sec. 20-5. Applicability to pushcarts, animals, animal-drawn vehicles.
Sec. 20-6. Reserved.
Sec. 20-7. Office of traffic engineer created; general powers, duties.
Sec. 20-8. Enforcement duties of police.
Sec. 20-9. Police authorized to direct traffic; emergency authority.
Sec. 20-10. Authority of officers of fire department.
Sec. 20-11. Reserved.
Sec. 20-11.1. Appointment of park rangers as special policemen.
Sec. 20-11.2. Jurisdiction of special policemen.
Sec. 20-11.3. Authority of special policemen.
Sec. 20-11.4. Status of special policemen.
Sec. 20-11.5. Compensation of special policemen.
Sec. 20-11.6. Revocation of authority.
Sec. 20-11.7. Appointment of community service officers.
Sec. 20-11.8. Authority of community service officers.
Sec. 20-11.9. Appointment of civilian volunteer police assist specialists.
Sec. 20-11.10. Authority of civilian volunteer police assist specialists.
Sec. 20-12. Impounding vehicles--When permitted.
Sec. 20-13. Same--Notice.
Sec. 20-14. Same--Redemption or sale.
Sec. 20-15. Truck routes established.
Sec. 20-15.1. Driving vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of twenty thousand (20,000) pounds on streets not designated as truck routes prohibited; exceptions.
Sec. 20-15.2. Exceptions to truck route restrictions.
Sec. 20-16. Special permission required to use streets not designated for trucks or to operate or move vehicles, loads or mobile homes exceeding state limitations; exemptions; permit and fee structure; violation of civil infraction.
Sec. 20-17. Districts where loading, unloading large vehicles prohibited; variances.
Sec. 20-18. Governmental vehicles exempt from truck route and loading or unloading provisions.
Sec. 20-19. Driving on property of another prohibited without permission.
Secs. 20-19.1, 20-20. Reserved.
Sec. 20-21. Driving in parks and playgrounds.
Sec. 20-21.1. Reserved.
Sec. 20-22. Driving on city-owned property.
Sec. 20-23. Reserved.
Sec. 20-24. Reserved.
Sec. 20-25. Boarding, alighting from moving vehicles.
Sec. 20-26. Opening vehicle doors into traffic.
Sec. 20-27. Unlawful riding.
Sec. 20-28. Roller skating, skateboards, coasting, toy vehicles, prohibited on roadways; skateboards prohibited in central business district areas and all library property and facilities within the Tucson-Pima Library System; exceptions:
Sec. 20-29. Requirement for helmet use; bicycle renters and sellers; civil penalties; waiver of fine.
Sec. 20-30. Operating motorized skateboards and motorized play vehicles; definitions; prohibitions; penalty.
Secs. 20-31--20-39. Reserved.
Article II. Administration
Division 1. Generally
Sec. 20-40. Traffic division established.
Sec. 20-41. General duties of traffic division, other police officers.
Sec. 20-42. Record of violations required.
Sec. 20-43. Form for records and notices of violations.
Sec. 20-44 Accidents; duty of police to investigate, make arrests, assist in prosecutions.
Sec. 20-45. Accident studies.
Sec. 20-46. Reserved.
Sec. 20-47. Supplemental accident reports.
Sec. 20-48. Investigating officer to make report of accident.
Sec. 20-49. Filing, use of accident reports; driver's reports declared confidential.
Sec. 20-50. Availability of accident reports and files to parties involved, their attorneys, agents, insurers, or adjusters.
Sec. 20-51. Fees for copies of traffic accident reports, files, photographs or other information.
Sec. 20-52. Individual accident records required.
Sec. 20-53. Study of cases of frequent offenders.
Sec. 20-54. Annual traffic report required.
Sec. 20-55. Identification of vehicles in funeral processions.
Sec. 20-56. Temporary, experimental regulations authorized.
Sec. 20-57. Testing traffic-control devices authorized.
Secs. 20-58--20-67. Reserved.
Division 2. Violations
Sec. 20-68. Reserved.
Sec. 20-69. Reserved.
Sec. 20-70. Procedures for adjudication of civil traffic violations.
Sec. 20-71. Reserved.
Sec. 20-72. Reserved.
Sec. 20-73. Reserved.
Secs. 20-74--20-76. Reserved.
Sec. 20-77. Reserved.
Sec. 20-78. Records of chief magistrate.
Sec. 20-79. Reserved.
Sec. 20-80. Disposition of civil sanctions.
Secs. 20-81--20-90. Reserved.
Article III. Pedestrians
Sec. 20-91. Obedience to traffic-control signals and this article.
Sec. 20-92. Prohibited crossings.
Secs. 20-93--20-108. Reserved.
Article IV. Traffic-Control Devices
Sec. 20-109. Installation of devices by traffic engineer; existing devices ratified.
Sec. 20-110. Conformance to state specifications required; uniformity; declared official.
Sec. 20-111. Obedience required.
Sec. 20-112. Observance of flashing yellow arrow display.
Sec. 20-112.1. Bicycle traffic control signals.
Sec. 20-113. Required stops for pedestrians in crosswalks.
Sec. 20-114. Displaying unauthorized or confusing signs, signals, markings; obstructing view of devices.
Sec. 20-115. Authority to prohibit or require turns; obedience to signs; public transit buses exempted from same.
Sec. 20-115.1. Authority to exempt bicyclists from required or prohibited turns.
Sec. 20-116. Authority to designate crosswalks.
Sec. 20-117. Authority to designate safety zones.
Sec. 20-118. Authority to mark lanes.
Sec. 20-119. Traffic engineer authorized to establish school crossings.
Sec. 20-120. Authority to prohibit entry onto streets and alleys from intersections; obedience to "do not enter" signs; authority to exempt bicyclists.
Secs. 20-121.--20-134. Reserved.
Article V. Operation
Sec. 20-135. Reserved.
Sec. 20-136. State speed laws applicable generally.
Sec. 20-137. Intersections where fifteen miles per hour speed limit imposed.
Sec. 20-138. Speed limit in all city parks.
Sec. 20-138.1. Speed limit in bicycle boulevards.
Sec. 20-138.2. Designating current streets or parts of streets as bicycle boulevards where twenty miles per hour speed limit is imposed.
Sec. 20-139. Speed limit in alleys.
Sec. 20-140. Where thirty miles per hour speed limit imposed.
Sec. 20-141. Where thirty-five miles per hour speed limit imposed.
Sec. 20-142. Where forty miles per hour speed limit imposed.
Sec. 20-143. Where forty-five miles per hour speed limit imposed.
Sec. 20-144. Where fifty miles per hour speed limit imposed.
Sec. 20-145. Where fifty-five miles per hour speed limit imposed.
Secs. 20-145.1.--20-145.4. Reserved.
Sec. 20-146.1. Special speed limit reductions in temporary traffic control zones.
Sec. 20-146.2. Special speed limit reductions during nighttime hours.
Sec. 20-146.3. Speeding in temporary traffic control zone prohibited.
Sec. 20-147. Regulation of speed by traffic signals.
Sec. 20-148. Following fire or rescue apparatus.
Sec. 20-149. Driving over fire hose.
Sec. 20-150. Permission required for processions and parades; compliance with chapter.
Sec. 20-151. Reserved.
Sec. 20-152. Method of driving in processions.
Sec. 20-153. Reserved.
Sec. 20-154. Operation of unsafe vehicles.
Sec. 20-155. Limitations on U-turns.
Sec. 20-156. Obstructing intersections, crosswalks.
Sec. 20-157. Reserved.
Sec. 20-158. Regulation of towing services.
Sec. 20-159. Traffic signal preemptor devices.
Sec. 20-160. Use of handheld mobile telephone or portable electronic device; prohibited conduct; exceptions.
Sec. 20-161 Racing of vehicles prohibited; definitions; penalties.
Secs. 20-162 – 20-172. Reserved.
Article VI. One-Way Streets and Stop Streets
Sec. 20-173. Signs required.
Sec. 20-174. Through streets.
Sec. 20-175. Stop sign required at each intersection with through street.
Sec. 20-176. Traffic engineer to designate hazardous intersections for "stop."
Sec. 20-176.1. Traffic to stop at intersection when traffic signals are out of service.
Sec. 20-177. Traffic engineer to designate hazardous intersections for "yield."
Sec. 20-178. Reserved.
Sec. 20-179. One-way streets and alleys.
Secs. 20-180--20-199. Reserved.
Article VII. Stopping, Standing and Parking
Division 1. Generally
Sec. 20-200. Unlawful parking prohibited; classification; parking defined; parties liable; applicability of regulations; continuous violations; mandatory fines and fees; community service.
Sec. 20-201. Reserved.
Sec. 20-202. Prima facie evidence of parking infraction.
Sec. 20-203. Failure to respond to citation; default fee; booting and impounding vehicle authorized, booting and impound fees; damages to boot.
Sec. 20-204. Booting or impounding list.
Secs. 20-205--20-209. Reserved.
Division 2. Administration
Sec. 20-210. Director of transportation; duties; Park Tucson Administrator duties; authorization to issue citations and collect violation fines.
Sec. 20-211. Administrative guidelines.
Sec. 20-212. Civilian volunteer police assist specialists authorized to issue citations.
Sec. 20-213. Parking enforcement agents exempt.
Secs. 20-214--20-219. Reserved.
Division 3. Parking for Individuals with Physical Disabilities
Sec. 20-220. Parking for individuals with physical disabilities; designation; enforcement.
Sec. 20-221. Penalty.
Sec. 20-222. Parking prohibited in spaces reserved for individuals with physical disabilities.
Sec. 20-222.1. Parking prohibited in access aisles of spaces reserved for individuals with physical disabilities.
Sec. 20-222.2. Paratransit loading zones.
Sec. 20-223. Wheelchair curb access ramps.
Sec. 20-224. Reserved.
Division 4. Basic Parking Controls
Sec. 20-225. Penalty.
Sec. 20-226. Designation of places angle parking permitted.
Sec. 20-226.1. Obedience to angle parking signs, marking.
Sec. 20-226.2. Parking at angle to load or unload merchandise.
Sec. 20-226.3. Angle parking.
Sec. 20-226.4. Angle parking, direction.
Sec. 20-227. Designation of common-carrier passenger vehicle stands.
Sec. 20-228. Taxicab stands--Application for; location; signs required.
Sec. 20-228.1. Same--Revocation.
Sec. 20-229. Time limit parking.
Sec. 20-230. Designation of parking meter zones; authority to create, alter, eliminate.
Sec. 20-230.1. Park Tucson administrator shall install within designated zones.
Sec. 20-230.2. Temporary suspension of operation--When granted.
Sec. 20-230.3. Same--Fees.
Sec. 20-230.4. Location; legend.
Sec. 20-230.5. Spaces to be marked; parking in spaces.
Sec. 20-230.6. Overtime parking prohibited; "feeding" meters prohibited.
Sec. 20-230.7. Effective days and hours.
Sec. 20-230.8. Prima facie evidence of overtime parking.
Sec. 20-230.9. Meters to show parking compliance.
Sec. 20-230.10. Deposit of slugs prohibited.
Sec. 20-230.11. Residential parking permit meter exemption.
Sec. 20-230.12. Parking rates.
Sec. 20-231. Police/fire vehicle parking.
Sec. 20-232. Government plated vehicles.
Sec. 20-233. Specific vehicle type restrictions (RV, motorcycle, etc.).
Sec. 20-234. Hazard flashers mandatory.
Sec. 20-235. Public parking prohibited in parking lots or spaces reserved for city officers or employees.
Sec. 20-236. Height limit restriction.
Sec. 20-237. Obedience to markings; double parking prohibited.
Secs. 20-238--20-245. Reserved.
Division 5. Nuisance Parking Controls
Sec. 20-246. Penalty.
Sec. 20-247. Parking for certain purposes prohibited.
Sec. 20-248. Parking regulations for peddlers.
Sec. 20-248.1. Parking regulations for peddlers in certain central business district streets.
Sec. 20-249. Freight curb loading zones; location of provisional zones in parking meter zones.
Sec. 20-249.1. Same--When nonauthorized vehicles prohibited in provisional zones.
Sec. 20-250. Parking on property of another prohibited without permission.
Sec. 20-251. Parking in parks and playgrounds.
Sec. 20-252. Parking on city-owned property.
Sec. 20-253. Parking for purposes of sale on unpaved lots.
Sec. 20-254. Parking prohibited during certain hours on certain streets.
Sec. 20-255. Neighborhood parking program.
Sec. 20-257. Special events permit parking.
Sec. 20-258. Additional permit parking programs; fees; city manager may establish additional permit parking programs and an annual parking permit fee.
Sec. 20-259. Expired registration.
Sec. 20-260. Stopping, standing, parking prohibited between the curb and sidewalk or in an unimproved pedestrian area impeding continuous pedestrian use.
Sec. 20-261. Unattended and inoperable vehicles prohibited.
Sec. 20-262. Truck parking on streets not designated as truck routes prohibited.
Sec. 20-263. Recreational vehicles; commercial vehicles.
Secs. 20-264--20-270. Reserved.
Division 6. Safety Issues
Sec. 20-271. Penalty.
Sec. 20-272. Reserved.
Sec. 20-273. Parking in alleys.
Sec. 20-274. Hazardous areas adjacent to schools.
Sec. 20-275. Standing or parking outside of business or residence district.
Sec. 20-276. Buses stopping on crosswalks, within intersections prohibited.
Sec. 20-277. Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places.
Sec. 20-278. Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in additional specified places.
Sec. 20-279. Parallel parking.
Sec. 20-280. Parking near fire or rescue apparatus.
Sec. 20-281. Parking prohibited on certain streets and portions of streets.
Sec. 20-282. Fire lanes.
Sec. 20-283. Law enforcement officers exempt from specified parking provisions.
Secs. 20-284--20-299. Reserved.
Art. VIII. Taxicab Regulations
Sec. 20-300. Purpose.
Sec. 20-301. Definitions.
Sec. 20-302. Taxicab businesses and executive sedan services regulated.
Sec. 20-303. Exterior display of fare and other information.
Sec. 20-304. Interior display of fare and other information.
Sec. 20-305. Meters, fares, charges.
Sec. 20-306. Direct routes required.
Sec. 20-307. Two-way radios required.
Sec. 20-308. Civil infraction.
Sec. 20-309. Police department and Park Tucson enforcement agents authorized to issue citations.
Secs. 20-310--20-399. Reserved.
Art. IX. Trolleys
Sec. 20-400. Purpose.
Sec. 20-401. Definition.
Sec. 20-402. Application of law.
Sec. 20-403. Operation of motor vehicles.
Sec. 20-404. Civil infraction.
Sec. 20-405. Enforcement.
Secs. 20-406--20-499. Reserved.
Article X. Soliciting Employment, Business or Contributions From Occupants of Vehicles
Sec. 20-500. Purpose and intent; legislative findings.
Sec. 20-501. Prohibited conduct.
Sec. 20-502. Classification and penalty.