The 1953 Code, ch. 20, §§ 1--24, provided for pensions and retirement. These sections were repealed by Ord. No. 1420, § 1, enacted Nov. 30, 1953. Terms and conditions of the repeal, appearing as ch. 20, §§ 25 and 26 in the 1957 supplement to the 1953 Code, have not been included in this Code because fully executed and rights thereunder are guarantee by the present supplement retirement systems, § 22-34 et seq.
Charter References: Civil service generally, ch. XXII.
Cross References: Civil service generally, ch. 10.
Art. I. In General, §§ 22-1--22-12
Art. II. Social Security, §§ 22-13--22-29
Art. III. Tucson Supplemental Retirement System, §§ 22-30--22-77
Div. 1. Types of Retirement and Benefits, §§ 22-30--22-43.1
Div. 2. Administration of the System, §§ 22-44--22-77
Art. IV. Group Insurance and Medical Health Plans, §§ 22-78--22-89
Art. V. Leave Benefit Plan, §§ 22-90--22-99
Art. VI. Other Insurance Benefits, §§ 22-100--22-104
Article I. In General
Sec. 22-1 Contributions to the public safety personnel retirement system.
Secs. 22-2 – 22-12. Reserved.
Article II. Social Security
Sec. 22-13. Short title.
Sec. 22-14. Purpose.
Sec. 22-15. Execution of application and agreement authorized.
Sec. 22-16. Effect of membership.
Sec. 22-17. Director of finance to pay city contributions.
Sec. 22-18. Funds for city contributions for current services.
Sec. 22-19. Funds for city contributions for past services.
Sec. 22-20. Employee contributions for current services.
Sec. 22-21. Employee contributions for past services.
Sec. 22-22. Collection of employee contributions for past services.
Sec. 22-23. Duties of director of personnel.
Secs. 22-24--22-29. Reserved.
Article III. Tucson Supplemental Retirement System
Division 1. Types of Retirement and Benefits
Sec. 22-30. Definitions.
Sec. 22-31. Trust fund.
Sec. 22-32. Exclusive benefit.
Sec. 22-33. Membership.
Sec. 22-34. Membership contributions.
Sec. 22-35. City contributions.
Sec. 22-36. Accumulation of credited service.
Sec. 22-37. Retirements.
Sec. 22-38. End of service program.
Sec. 22-39. Disability retirement.
Sec. 22-40. Death benefits.
Sec. 22-41. Refund of accumulated contributions accounts; transfers to other systems.
Sec. 22-42. Retirement benefit payment options.
Sec. 22-43. Administration of benefit payments; benefit calculations.
Sec. 22-43.1. System approved domestic relations orders.
Division 2. Administration of the System
Sec. 22-44. Board of trustees.
Sec. 22-45. Investments.
Sec. 22-46. Finance director duties.
Sec. 22-47. Human resources director duties.
Sec. 22-48. System administrator.
Sec. 22-49. Indemnification.
Sec. 22-50. Miscellaneous administrative provisions.
Sec. 22-51. Alteration, amendment, repeal of the system.
Sec. 22-52. Effective date.
Sec. 22-53. Reserved.
Sec. 22-54. Reserved.
Sec. 22-55. Reserved.
Article IIIA. Deferred Compensation Retirement Plans
Sec. 22-56. Purpose.
Sec. 22-57. Definitions.
Sec. 22-58. Exclusive benefit.
Sec. 22-59. Eligibility and participation.
Sec. 22-60. DC plan contributions.
Sec. 22-61. Management board.
Sec. 22-62. Administration of DC plans.
Sec. 22-63. Indemnification.
Sec. 22-64. Applicable laws.
Sec. 22-65. Amendment and termination of DC plans.
Secs. 22-66 – 22-77. Reserved.
Article IV. Group Insurance and Medical Health Plans
Sec. 22-78. Short title.
Sec. 22-79. Purpose.
Sec. 22-80. Coverage authorized; coverage optional.
Sec. 22-81. Establishment of Self-Insured Health Benefits Trust.
Sec. 22-82. Board of trustees for Self-Insured Health Benefits Trust.
Sec. 22-83. Manner of financing Self-Insured Health Benefits Trust.
Sec. 22-84. City's premium costs; finance director to pay premiums.
Sec. 22-85. Duties of human resources director; employees' premium costs.
Sec. 22-86. Expenditure of funds held in Self-Insured Health Benefits Trust.
Sec. 22-87. Effective date of Self-Insured Health Benefits Trust.
Sec. 22-88. Medical insurance incentive allowance.
Sec. 22-89. Reserved.
Article V. Leave Benefit Plan
Sec. 22-90. Providing for leave benefit plan.
Sec. 22-91. Duties of the human resources director and city manager.
Sec. 22-92. Peace officer recruitment incentive.
Sec. 22-93. Conditions for annual sick leave payment to fire department commissioned personnel.
Sec. 22-94. Conditions for annual sick leave payment to police department commissioned personnel.
Sec. 22-95. Reserved.
Sec. 22-96. Transfer and accrual of sick leave and vacation for City of Tucson/Pima County Household Hazardous Waste Program employees entering city service.
Sec. 22-97. Living donor leave.
Sec. 22-98. Public safety bridge leave.
Sec. 22-99. Reserved.
Article VI. Other Insurance Benefits
Sec. 22-100. Reserved.
Sec. 22-101. Death benefit for employee group eligible for representation by TPOA.
Sec. 22-102. Death benefit for employee group eligible for representation by IAFF.
Sec. 22-103. Death benefit for employee group eligible for representation by AFSCME.
Sec. 22-104. Death benefit for employee group eligible for representation by CWA/TACE.
Effective February 1, 2010, the City will not subsidize employee contributions to the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System. Employees who are members of the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System shall contribute as provided in Arizona Revised Statutes Title 38, Chapter 5, Article 4.
(Ord. No. 10751, § 1, 1-5-10, eff. 2-1-10)