* Charter References: General authority over buildings, plumbing and electricity, ch. VII, § 1(12).
Cross References: Building safety division created under administration of chief inspector, § 2-5; advertising and outdoor signs generally, ch. 3; fire protection and prevention, ch. 13; privilege tax on construction contracting, §§ 19-415--19-418; planning and zoning, ch. 23; sewerage and sewage disposal, ch. 24.
Art. I. In General, §§ 6-1--6-9
Art. II. Tucson-Pima County Joint Consolidated Code Committee, §§ 6-10--6-30
Art. III. Buildings, §§ 6-31--6-80
Div. 1. Building Code, §§ 6-29--6-65
Div. 2. Existing Building Code, §§ 6-66--6-70
Div. 3. Reserved, §§ 6-71--6-80
Art. IV. Electricity, §§ 6-81--6-120
Div. 1. Electrical Code, §§ 6-81--6-100
Div. 2. Outdoor Lighting Code, §§ 6-101--6-120
Art. V. Plumbing Code, §§ 6-121--6-159
Art. VI. Mechanical Code, §§ 6-160--6-170
Art. VII. Solar System Code, §§ 6-171--6-180
Art. VIII. Rainwater Collection and Distribution Requirements, §§ 6-181--6-190
Art. IX. Swimming Pool and Spa Code, §§ 6-191--6-193
Article I. In General
Sec. 6-1. Reserved.
Sec. 6-2. Clerk to keep copies of Administrative Code.
Sec. 6-3. Amendments of Administrative Code.
Sec. 6-4. Reserved.
Sec. 6-5. Violation.
Sec. 6-6. Records of applications, permits, inspections required.
Secs. 6-7--6-9. Reserved.
Article II. Tucson-Pima County Joint Consolidated Code Committee
Sec. 6-10. Created; qualifications; appointment, term of members.
Sec. 6-11. Purpose and functions.
Sec. 6-12. Purposes; created; qualifications; appointment, term of members.
Sec. 6-13. Authority to regulate hearings and investigations; regulations to be filed; distribution of decisions.
Sec. 6-14. Vote required for decisions; quorum.
Sec. 6-15. Provision for building innovations.
Sec. 6-16. Appointment, powers, duties of secretary to board.
Sec. 6-17. Procedure for appeals to board; meetings; effect of decisions.
Sec. 6-18. Reference to "board of examiners and appeals" to mean "board of appeals."
Secs. 6-19--6-28. Reserved.
Article III. Buildings
Division 1. Building Code
Secs. 6-29, 6-30. Reserved.
Sec. 6-31. Office of building inspection supervisor established.
Sec. 6-32. Qualifications; assistants.
Sec. 6-33. General duties.
Sec. 6-34. Building code adopted.
Sec. 6-35. Clerk to keep copies of building code.
Sec. 6-36. Amendments to building code.
Sec. 6-37. Applicability of administrative and building codes.
Sec. 6-38. Residential code adopted.
Sec. 6-39. Reserved.
Sec. 6-40. Energy conservation code adopted.
Secs. 6-41--6-65. Reserved.
Division 2. Existing Building Code
Sec. 6-66. Existing building code adopted.
Secs. 6-67--6-70. Reserved.
Division 3. Reserved
Secs. 6-71--6-80. Reserved.
Article IV. Electricity
Division 1. Electrical Code
Sec. 6-81. Electrical inspection supervisor--Office created.
Sec. 6-82. Same--Qualifications; assistants.
Sec. 6-83. Same--General duties.
Sec. 6-84. Electrical code adopted.
Sec. 6-85. Clerk to keep copies of electrical code.
Sec. 6-86. Amendments to the electrical code.
Sec. 6-87. Reserved.
Secs. 6-88--6-100. Reserved.
Division 2. Outdoor Lighting Code
Sec. 6-101. Outdoor lighting code adopted.
Sec. 6-102. Clerk to keep copies of outdoor lighting code.
Sec. 6-103. Amendments to outdoor lighting code.
Sec. 6-104. Penalty.
Secs. 6-105--6-120. Reserved.
Article V. Plumbing Code
Sec. 6-121. Office of plumbing inspector established.
Sec. 6-122. Qualifications of inspectors.
Sec. 6-123. General duties of inspectors.
Sec. 6-124. Plumbing code adopted.
Sec. 6-125. Clerk to keep copies of plumbing code.
Sec. 6-126. Amendments of plumbing code.
Secs. 6-127--6-159. Reserved.
Article VI. Mechanical Code
Sec. 6-160. Reserved.
Sec. 6-161. Office of mechanical inspection supervisor established.
Sec. 6-162. Qualifications; assistants.
Sec. 6-163. General duties.
Sec. 6-164. Mechanical code adopted.
Sec. 6-165. Clerk to keep copies of mechanical code.
Sec. 6-166. Amendments of the mechanical code.
Sec. 6-167. Fuel gas code adopted.
Secs. 6-168--6-170. Reserved.
Article VII. Solar System Code
Sec. 6-171. Solar system code adopted.
Sec. 6-172. Clerk to keep copies of the solar system code.
Sec. 6-173. Amendments to the solar system code.
Sec. 6-174. Reserved.
Secs. 6-175--6-180. Reserved.
Article VIII. Rainwater Collection and Distribution Requirements
Sec. 6-181. Definitions.
Sec. 6-182. Rainwater harvesting plan.
Sec. 6-183. Construction of rainwater harvesting system; minimum landscape budget requirements; request for rainwater harvesting plan revision.
Sec. 6-184. Restrictions on installation of rainwater harvesting system invalid.
Sec. 6-185. Exceptions.
Sec. 6-186. Annual report.
Sec. 6-187. Violation.
Sec. 6-188. Applicability.
Secs. 6-189, 6-190. Reserved.
Article IX. Swimming Pool and Spa Code
Sec. 6-191. Swimming pool and spa code adopted.
Sec. 6-192. Clerk to keep copies of the swimming pool and spa code.
Sec. 6-193. Amendments to the swimming pool and spa code.
Editors Note: Ord. No. 10417, § 1, adopted June 12, 2007, repealed § 6-1, which pertained to Administrative Code adopted and derived from Ord. No. 5334, § 2, adopted May 11, 1981; Ord. No. 5770, § 1, adopted May 23, 1983; Ord. No. 6566, § 1, adopted Nov. 10, 1986; Ord. No. 7180, § 1, adopted April 24, 1989; Ord. No. 7791, § 1, adopted April 13, 1992; Ord. No. 8606, § 1, adopted Nov. 20, 1995; Ord. No. 9813, § 1, adopted Feb. 10, 2003.
Three (3) copies of the Building Safety Administrative Code of the City of Tucson adopted in section 6-1 shall be filed in the office of the city clerk and are made public records and shall be available for public use and inspection during regular office hours.
(Ord. No. 5334, § 2, 5-11-81)