* Cross References: Traffic regulations, ch. 20.
State Law References: Traffic regulations applicable to bicycles, A.R.S. §§ 28-811--28-817; municipal authority to regulate bicycles, A.R.S. § 28-627(A)(8).
Art. I. In General, §§ 5-1--5-3
Art. II. Motorized Bicycle or Tricycle, §§ 5-4--5-11
Art. III. Electric Bicycles, §§ 5-12—5-14
Art. IV. Shared Mobility Devices, §§ 5-15—5-23
Article I. In General
Sec. 5-1. Parking of bicycles.
Sec. 5-2. Riding on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and through underpasses; yielding the right of way and passing or overtaking.
Sec. 5-2.1. Postal employees and law enforcement officers exempt from certain riding and parking provisions.
Sec. 5-3. Enforcement.
Article II. Motorized Bicycle or Tricycle
Sec. 5-4. Regulating motorized bicycle or tricycle; purpose and intent.
Sec. 5-5. Definition.
Sec. 5-6. Applicability of traffic laws.
Sec. 5-7. Prohibited operation.
Sec. 5-8. Helmet use requirement.
Sec. 5-9. Nighttime use requirements.
Sec. 5-10. Responsibilities of parents, guardians, and legal custodians.
Sec. 5-11. Violation declared a civil traffic violation.
Article III. Electric Bicycles
Sec. 5-12. Definition.
Sec. 5-13. Applicability of traffic laws; specific rules for electric bicycles.
Sec. 5-14. Violation declared a civil traffic violation.
Article IV. Shared Mobility Devices
Sec. 5-15. Purpose and intent.
Sec. 5-16. Definitions.
Sec. 5-17. Shared mobility prohibition without permit.
Sec. 5-18. Rules and regulations.
Sec. 5-19. Violations and penalties.
Sec. 5-20. Enforcement authority.
Sec. 5-21. Jurisdiction of court.
Sec. 5-22. Commencement of proceedings.
Sec. 5-23. Appeal of court decision.
(a) It shall be unlawful to ride a bicycle on any public sidewalks, or upon a designated pedestrian path in any public park, unless signs are posted specifically permitting bicycling.
(b) It shall be unlawful to ride a bicycle through any underpass when signs are posted prohibiting bicycling.
(c) A person riding a bicycle on a multi-use path, trail, or shared use path under the jurisdiction of the City of Tucson must yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian or horse and shall slow to ten (10) miles per hour and communicate to the pedestrian or equestrian rider before overtaking or passing.
(Ord. No. 7276, § 1, 9-11-89; Ord. No. 11582, § 1, 9-5-18)