(a) The applicant shall adequately barricade work in accordance with the latest edition of the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices," including additions by the city, and shall install sufficient warning lights and signs to protect the public. The applicant shall notify and obtain approval from the traffic engineer seventy-two (72) hours in advance, except in emergencies, before closing or barricading any street or public right-of-way, or portion thereof.
(b) Three (3) copies of the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices," including additions by the city, shall be filed in the office of the city clerk and are made public records and shall be available for public use and inspection during regular office hours.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64; Ord. No. 6148, § 5, 1-7-85; Ord. No. 10140, § 1, 4-12-05)
(a) Unless otherwise stipulated in the permit, all pavement resurfacing after excavation shall be done by the city. The city shall make a charge for such work according to a schedule of costs established by the director of public works, copies of which schedule shall be kept on file with the city clerk, as revised from time to time.
(b) The applicant shall pay in advance the estimated change. Any difference shall be corrected after work is completed.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)
Variance from standards may be authorized pursuant to the provisions of section 25-7.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)
For the purposes of this chapter, "driveway" means that portion of the public right-of-way from the private property line to the curb, or, where there is no curb, to the improved or traveled part of the roadway, which area is used to provide vehicular access from the private property to the curb or to the improved or traveled part of the roadway.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)