Sec. 25-38. Special requirements in residential districts.
   (a)   Curb cuts and driveways shall conform to the following requirements in all residential zoned districts:
   Minimum curb cut width . . . . . 10 feet
   Maximum curb cut width . . . . . 20 feet
   Maximum curb cut width for 2 adjoining properties . . . . . 30 feet
   Minimum distance between curb cuts . . . . . 12 feet
   Minimum distance of curb cut from street light standards, or catch basins . . . . . 5 feet
   Minimum distance of curb cut from a fire hydrant of city water hydrant . . . . . 20 feet
   Minimum distance of curb cut from end of a curb return . . . . . 4 feet
   from a curb line or a cross street at a street intersection, whichever is more restrictive . . . . . 20 feet
See Tucson Code Chapter 23, Land Use Code, particularly Section 3.2.14 and Development Standards, Section 3, Transportation, for additional requirements and standards.
   (b)   Any nonresidential use which would generate more than five (5) times the amount of traffic that would be generated as a result of (a) the existing use of the property if developed for residential use, or (b) the predominant use on the residential block if the property is vacant, shall not have access to an interior residential neighborhood street after June 1, 1998.
   (1)   "Interior residential neighborhood street" as used in this subsection shall include any block consisting entirely of residentially zoned properties except for streets which have been designated as arterial or collector streets in the major streets and routes plan.
   (2)   A waiver to this requirement may be granted at the discretion of the director of the department of transportation where justified by a traffic mitigation plan or unique circumstances which substantially achieve the level of traffic on the affected area as required by this subsection. No waiver may be granted without providing notice and an opportunity for comment to the residential property owners on the block for which the waiver is proposed. Any decision of the director of the department of transportation may be appealed to the mayor and council by the applicant or an affected property owner.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64; Ord. No. 9065, § 1, 6-1-98; Ord. No. 9065, § 1, 6-1-98)
Sec. 25-39. Special requirements in business districts.
Curb cuts and driveways shall conform to the following requirements in all business zoned districts:
   Maximum curb cut width . . . . . 35 feet
   Maximum driveway width at the property line . . . . . 30 feet
   Minimum distance between curb cuts or driveways . . . . . 20 feet
   Maximum number of curb cuts or driveways per 100 feet of street frontage . . . . . 2
   Minimum distance of curb cuts from street light standards, or catch basins . . . . . 5 feet
   Minimum distance from a fire hydrant of city water hydrant . . . . . 20 feet
   Minimum distance from end of a curb return . . . . . 4 feet
   From a curb line on a cross street at a street intersection . . . . . 20 feet
whichever is more restrictive.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)
Sec. 25-40. Special requirements in industrial districts.
   (a)   Curb cuts and driveways shall conform to the following requirements in all industrial zoned districts:
The provisions established for curb cuts and driveways in section 25-39 for business zoned districts shall prevail in all industrial zoned districts for properties fronting on a through street, as defined in this Code, or on a major street as shown on the latest major streets and routes plan on file with the city engineer.
   (b)   If the property does not front on a through or major street, only the following provisions shall prevail:
   Minimum distance of curb cut from street light standards or catch basins . . . . . 5 feet
   Minimum distance from a fire hydrant or city water hydrant . . . . . 20 feet
   Minimum distance from end of a curb return . . . . . 4 feet
   from the curbline on a cross street at a street intersection . . . . . 23 feet
whichever is the more restrictive.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)
Sec. 25-41. Variances from curb cuts and driveway requirements.
The director of public works may grant written variances from the minimum and maximum requirements set forth for the location of curb cuts and driveways in section 25-38 through 25-40 upon written approval by the traffic engineer, provided:
   (1)   The area has peculiar, visible conditions not ordinarily existing in similar areas; or
   (2)   The nature of the business on the property is exceptional; or
   (3)   The nature of the abutting property is exceptional; and
   (4)   The variance is not against the public interest, safety, convenience or general welfare.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)
Sec. 25-42. Driveways may be denied.
   (a)   No property owner shall be denied a reasonable driveway access to his property. However, where there is not an adequate extension of a driveway within the private property to park a vehicle entirely off the right-of-way, a curb cut shall be denied.
   (b)   Where there is not adequate parking area for the use to which the property is put, to park off the right-of-way, or where there is not adequate area to maneuver safely in and out, and to preclude backing into the street, a curb cut shall be denied. A minimum of forty (40) feet of depth for right-angle parking shall be required from all street property lines for this purpose.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)
Sec. 25-43. Curb cut replacements.
Where private property use has been modified so that an existing curb cut is no longer needed, or where Code provisions do not permit curb cuts at existing locations, the traffic engineer, for the promotion of traffic safety and public convenience, may require the abutting property owner to replace the curb at his expense as follows:
   (1)   The traffic engineer shall order the abutting property owner to replace the curb stating the reason.
   (2)   The owner shall either protest, and show cause in writing why the curb should not be replaced within thirty (30) days, or commence the work within sixty (60) days.
   (3)   The protest shall be reviewed by the director of public works and city manager, who may uphold the traffic engineer or revoke or modify his order.
   (4)   If the abutting owner fails to comply with the order the city may do the work and bill the owner for the cost.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)