* Editors Note: See the editor's footnote to art. I of this chapter. Ord. No. 2657, § 3, transferred all sections appearing in art. II of this chapter and ch. 24, §§ 26--35, of the 1953 Code, as amended by Ord. No. 4869, §§ 1, 2, adopted Sept. 5, 1978, to art. III, entitled "House Numbering," and renumbered such sections as 62-72. They are numbered as §§ 25-63--25-73 of this Code. See the editor's note following § 25-62 for explanation of the difference of numbering by one number.
Subsequently, § 2 of Ord. No. 6134, adopted Dec. 3, 1984, added a new art. III, entitled "Address Numbering," §§ 25-63--2572.
Broadway Boulevard easterly from the mainline Southern Pacific Railroad tracks and the easterly prolongation of that alignment, Congress Street westerly from the mainline Southern Pacific Railroad tracks and the prolongation of that alignment to the western boundary of Panorama Estates "B," a subdivision, and the alignment of West Broadway Boulevard westerly from the northwest corner of said subdivision and the westerly prolongation of that alignment form the east-west base line for numbering along all public and private ways running northerly and southerly.
(Ord. No. 6134, § 2, 12-3-84; Ord. No. 6477, § 1, 7-7-86)
Stone Avenue from Eighteenth Street northerly to Sixth Street and north therefrom to Roger Road, Sixth Avenue from Eighteenth Street south to Irvington Road, and the prolongation of the respective alignments thereof, form the north-south base line for numbering along all public and private ways running easterly and westerly.
(Ord. No. 6134, § 2, 12-3-84; Ord. No. 6477, § 2, 7-7-86)
Sec. 25-66(1). All buildings and lots on the right-hand side of each public or private way ascending from the base line shall bear even numbers. All buildings and lots on the left-hand side of each public or private way ascending from the base line shall bear odd numbers.
Sec. 25-66(2). Each hundred block, as delineated on the official addressing maps or plats and the hundred block base map or plat, shall be divided into a number line of one hundred (100) equal increments (numbers). Respective odd and even address numbers shall be assigned from this number line according to the building location, property entrance location, or mean property frontage as shall be determined by the building safety administrator or his authorized representative.
Sec. 25-66(3). Where any building has more than one (1) occupancy, a separate number shall be assigned to each front entrance serving a separate occupancy provided the building occupies a lot, parcel or tract having a frontage equal to at least ten (10) feet for each such entrance. Where a building is not located on a lot, parcel or tract having such frontage, or where such frontage cannot be imputed to two (2) or more buildings on a lot, parcel or tract, the building safety administrator shall cause to be assigned a numerical occupancy designation unique to each occupancy in the buildings as part of the address number. All such designations shall be consistent generally with the system established by this article.
Sec. 25-66(4). A building on a lot or parcel abutting two (2) or more public or private ways shall have a number assigned only to the front entrance, unless other entrances serve different occupancies.
Sec. 25-66(5). The building safety administrator or his authorized representative, when assigning a series of address numbers, shall determine whether to lead with an odd or an even number. Whenever possible, the first address number in a given series shall be even.
Sec. 25-66(6). Address numbers will be assigned to properties on both sides of a public or private way in a stepped, alternating sequence, except in the case of ways having curved alignments. Building locations, property entrances, and mean property frontages which are physically lower than those on the opposite side of the public or private way, relative to the ascending number sequence, will be assigned and addressed numbers of lower numerical value.
Sec. 25-66(7). Lots, parcels or tracts fronting on a curved public or private way shall be numbered as though the way were actually straight so that lots, parcels or tracts directly across from one another shall be assigned address numbers of similar numerical value although the way is not in a perpendicular relationship with the hundred block grid lines.
(Ord. No. 6134, § 2, 12-3-84)
The numbers required by this article to be displayed shall be conspicuously placed immediately above, on or within five (5) feet of either side of the front entrance door of each occupancy, or otherwise as approved by the building safety administrator or his authorized representative to prevent undue hardship, so that the numbers can be clearly discerned from the public or private way. Additional display of address shall be allowed. If an occupancy has no entrance through the side of the occupancy fronting on a public or private way, the numbers required by this article shall be displayed in a location on the front side of the occupancy prescribed by the building official or his authorized representative. Whenever any building is situated more than fifty (50) feet from the near right-of-way line of the public or private way on which it fronts, or when the address number would not be visible from the way, the number shall be conspicuously displayed at the near right-of-way line, near the walk or driveway leading to the entrance to such building upon the curb, a gate post, wall, fence, tree, post or other appropriate place or thing so as to be easily discernible from the way. Address numbers displayed shall be not less than three (3) inches in height, shall be made of a durable and clearly visible material and shall provide good contrast against the immediate background.
(Ord. No. 6134, § 2, 12-3-84)