Where private property use has been modified so that an existing curb cut is no longer needed, or where Code provisions do not permit curb cuts at existing locations, the traffic engineer, for the promotion of traffic safety and public convenience, may require the abutting property owner to replace the curb at his expense as follows:
(1) The traffic engineer shall order the abutting property owner to replace the curb stating the reason.
(2) The owner shall either protest, and show cause in writing why the curb should not be replaced within thirty (30) days, or commence the work within sixty (60) days.
(3) The protest shall be reviewed by the director of public works and city manager, who may uphold the traffic engineer or revoke or modify his order.
(4) If the abutting owner fails to comply with the order the city may do the work and bill the owner for the cost.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)
* Editors Note: See footnote, article I. Ord. No. 2657, § 2, redesignated §§ 23, 9, 10, 13--15, 12, 23, 16--17, 6--7, 12a--12d and 25 of the 1953 Code as article II, §§ 45--61 respectively. These sections have been assigned numbers 25-45--25-61 of this Code by the editor. Prior to codification of this ordinance, these sections appeared in article I of this chapter of this Code in the same sequence they presently appear in article Il. The comparable sections of this Code which were repealed by § 1 of Ord. No. 2657 are §§ 25-13, and 25-18--25-29 (see Code Comparative Table, page 3719 and footnote, article I).
No person shall displace or destroy any grade line stakes set up by or under the order and direction of the city engineer, and no person shall trespass on any street closed for construction purposes.
(1953 Code, ch. 24, § 23; Ord. No. 6195, § 1, 3-11-85)
No person shall place, cause to be placed, maintain or cause to be maintained any fence, building, post or other obstruction in any street or alley of the city.
(1953 Code, ch. 24, § 9; Ord. No. 6195, § 3, 3-11-85)
Cross References: Obstructing intersections or crosswalks, § 20-156.
All persons having, keeping or maintaining any building or part of building, or any fence or part of fence or post or other obstruction in any street or alley of the city shall remove such obstruction within five (5) days after receipt of notice from the city engineer. Each day that any fence or part of fence, building or part of building, or post or other obstruction is kept or maintained in any street or alley of the city after the expiration of such five-day period shall constitute a separate violation.
(1953 Code, ch. 24, § 10; Ord. No. 6195, § 3, 3-11-85)