The building safety administrator shall cause to be prepared complete plats of uniform address numbering as required by this article for all property within the city, including property annexed from time to time. Promptly thereafter there shall be assigned to each building and unimproved lot, parcel or tract within the city the respective number or numbers under the uniform system required by this article.
For the purpose of facilitating a correct numbering, a map or plat book of all public and private ways within the city, showing the assigned numbers of all buildings and unimproved properties, shall be kept on file in the office of the building safety administrator and shall be open for public inspection during the office hours of the building safety administrator.
(Ord. No. 6134, § 2, 12-3-84)
It shall be the duty of the building safety administrator to inform any party applying therefor of the number or numbers belonging to or embraced within the limits of any lot, parcel or tract, as provided in this article. In the case of conflict as to the correct number to be assigned to and displayed by any existing or future building, or as to correct location of display, the building safety administrator or his authorized representative shall determine the number of such building after an informal administrative bearing has been conducted by such official upon adequate notice and opportunity to be heard having been afforded any challenging party who has a legal or equitable interest in the property concerned. Such party may thereafter appeal to the board of appeals established and structured in article II, chapter 6 of this Code in accordance with section 6-17 thereof and the rules and regulations of the board of appeals.
(Ord. No. 6134 § 2, 12-3-84)
It shall be a civil infraction for the owner of each building now existing or which shall be erected or shall become located within the city to fail to display the correct number or numbers caused to be assigned by the building safety administrator in accordance with this article. No permit required by any provision of chapter 6 of this Code shall be issued for any building or use of land until the owner has procured from the building safety administrator the designation of the proper number or numbers assigned to the premises concerned. Final approval of any building relocated, erected, repaired, altered or modified within the city shall be withheld by the building safety administrator until the number or numbers assigned to the premises have been displayed pursuant to the provisions of this article.
(Ord. No. 6134, § 2, 12-3-84)