Sec. 25-40. Special requirements in industrial districts.
   (a)   Curb cuts and driveways shall conform to the following requirements in all industrial zoned districts:
The provisions established for curb cuts and driveways in section 25-39 for business zoned districts shall prevail in all industrial zoned districts for properties fronting on a through street, as defined in this Code, or on a major street as shown on the latest major streets and routes plan on file with the city engineer.
   (b)   If the property does not front on a through or major street, only the following provisions shall prevail:
   Minimum distance of curb cut from street light standards or catch basins . . . . . 5 feet
   Minimum distance from a fire hydrant or city water hydrant . . . . . 20 feet
   Minimum distance from end of a curb return . . . . . 4 feet
   from the curbline on a cross street at a street intersection . . . . . 23 feet
whichever is the more restrictive.
(Ord. No. 2657, § 1, 10-19-64)