20.40.150   Infrastructure.
   Utilities and facilities for the town center east project shall be extended and/or constructed in conjunction with its phased development. Major infrastructure facilities are shown in Exhibits 6, 7, and 8. Specific requirements for additional facilities are as follows:
   A.   Utilities.
   1.   All on-site water supply, wastewater collection, storm drainage, and sewage lines and facilities shall be provided by the developer in accordance with the city's master plans for water, sewers, and drainage.
   2.   All utility lines serving the site including natural gas, electrical, water, wastewater and communications lines shall be placed underground by the developer as a condition of approval of building permits.
   3.   Adequate water for estimated consumption, as determined by the city public works department and for fire flow requirements, as determined by the city of Long Beach fire department, shall be provided by the developer.
   4.   For any development within the town center east specific plan area, the practicality of providing public facilities without incurring unusual public costs shall be demonstrated by the developer.
   5.   Cost for improvements to water, drainage, and sewer systems included in the city's adopted master plans for water, drainage and sewers shall be assigned in accordance with a cost-benefit formula established by the public works director, based on current engineering construction costs, as amended from time to time.
   6.   No structures shall be permitted to be developed over existing major pipeline or power line easements, except where these can be relocated. Should relocation of minor pipelines be necessary, such relocation shall be completed by the developer.
   B.   Transportation and Circulation. Transportation and circulation improvements required for implementation of the town center specific plan, as described in subsections (B)(1) through (7) of this section, shall be installed and funded by the developer.
   1.   A northbound right-turn lane on Cherry Avenue at Willow Street shall be constructed.
   2.   A bus shelter and right-turn lane on Willow Street east of Cherry Avenue shall be constructed.
   3.   A traffic signal on Cherry Avenue at 25th Street/project entrance shall be installed. For proper signalizations, the centerline of this driveway must align four to six feet south of the centerline for 25th Street.
   4.   Restriction of unsignalized driveways for the subject development and for the town center west development to right turns in-and-out only shall be implemented.
   5.   Cherry Avenue shall be changed to provide "double-double" yellow striping continuously from Willow Street to 25th Street.
   6.   Landscaping in the parking areas shall be incorporated to help ensure sight distance at the ends of parking aisles and reduce the tendency for vehicles to travel at undesirable speeds across large paved areas. Shrub-type landscaping must be kept to a height of less than thirty inches above the grade of the parking lot at the ends of the parking aisles to permit vision of cross traffic. Limited posts and trunks for small trees (under six-inch diameter at maturity) can extend above thirty inches but foliage must be removed to preserve vision between thirty inches and seven feet above grade.
   7.   25th Street shall be restriped at Cherry Avenue to permit the installation of a left-turn lane aligning with the lane for left turns out of the site driveway.
(Ord. 91-07-1105 § 1 (part))