20.40.080   Parking areas.
   Design, construction and striping shall be consistent with Chapter 20.70, except as modified in this section, and with the approved site plan, attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter as Exhibit 5.
   A.   Parking for retail space shall be provided at a ratio of one space per two hundred fifty square feet gross floor area or fraction thereof provided that if any of the special uses in Chapter 20.70 are included, the regulations of that section shall apply and if any of the uses are not listed, a parking study may be required by the planning director to determine if adequate parking is provided and additional parking may be required consistent with the recommendations of such study.
   B.   Parking for restaurants, or other nonretail uses specifically listed in Chapter 20.70 shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 20.70.
   C.   Standard-sized parking stalls shall measure 9 feet by 18.5 feet. The maximum vehicle overhang for any parking space is two feet, unless such overhang area is landscaped and separated from the parking space by a six-inch curb, in which case, such overhang can measure thirty inches. The minimum width of a driveway aisle serving ninety-degree-angle parking spaces shall measure twenty-six feet wide.
   D.   The maximum number of compact spaces permitted shall be thirty percent of the total number of spaces required above the first ten.
   E.   A minimum five percent of the total area of parking stalls and driveways shall be landscaped consistent with Chapter 20.70.
(Ord. 91-07-1105 § 1 (part))