A. Requirements. In each residential district, that portion of each lot required to be open space, the minimum dimensions of same, and other restrictions are as follows:
% of Lot | Sq.ft./unit | Min. Dimension | ||
RLM-2 | N/A | 600 | 10x10 | |
RH | 25* | N/A | 10x10 |
* Calculated on basis of lot area after right-of-way dedication(s).
B. Exclusions. The following shall not be considered open space for purposes of satisfying minimum requirements herein:
Front setbacks;
Street side setbacks;
Guest parking areas;
Exterior staircases and areas below such staircases;
Enclosed patios, decks or balconies; and
Potted plants.
C. Single-family Detached Development. There shall be no open space requirement for each single-family detached dwelling provided that the lot is occupied by not more than one dwelling.
D. Covered Patios, Pools, Spas and At-grade Decks. Covered patios, pools, spas, and at-grade decks shall not occupy more than fifty percent of the required open space.
E. Areas Less Than Ten Feet by Ten Feet. Landscaped areas which are less than ten feet by ten feet, but which abut a required street setback area shall be counted as contributing to the open space requirements.
F. Landscaping. All required open space areas shall at a minimum be fifty percent landscaped and irrigated. Landscaped areas shall be clear and open from the ground to the sky, with the exception of building eaves. The remaining fifty percent of required open space may consist of walkways, at-grade decks, above-grade decks, balconies, patios, additional landscaping, pools, and other areas as approved by the director of community development.
G. Balconies. Square footage located on balconies or decks extending from the second floor or above a first floor may be counted towards meeting the open space requirements, provided such area does not exceed fifty percent of the required open space, has minimum dimensions of five feet by five feet, is not located in a front, side and rear setback, and is not covered with a solid roof or enclosed. The area below a balcony or deck may only qualify as open space if the space beneath has a minimum height of eight feet from finished grade level to the bottom of balcony or deck.
(Ord. 2006-09-1364 § 1: Ord. 93-03-1152 § 4 (part): Ord. 89-12-1046 § 1 (part); Ord. 89-09-1040 § 1 (part))
All buildings designed or erected after May 7, 1964, and existing buildings which may be reconstructed, altered, moved, or enlarged shall comply with the space between building requirements of the district in which they may be located.
In each residential district, the minimum distance between each type of building, measured from building exterior walls, shall be as follows:
Main Buildings (ft.) | Accessory* Buildings (ft.) | Main and Accessory* Buildings (ft.) | |
RL | 10 | 6 | 6 |
RLM-1 | N/A | 6 | 6 |
RLM-2 | 10 | 6 | 10 |
RH | 10 | 6 | 10 |
* Accessory buildings as regulated by Section 20.10.075.
(Ord. 2006-09-1364 § 2: Ord. 93-03-1152 § 4 (part): Ord. 89-09-1040 § 1 (part): prior code § 19.52.120 (Ord. 557 § 306(F), 1964))
All buildings designed or erected after May 7, 1964, and existing buildings which may be reconstructed, altered, moved, maintained, or enlarged shall not exceed the maximum building coverage regulations of the district in which they may be located. In each residential district, the area of all buildings, including accessory buildings, on any lot shall not exceed fifty percent of the area of the lot. Except in the RLM-1 zoning district, this requirement shall not apply to any project developed entirely with single-family detached housing where each dwelling unit is on a separate lot, except in the RLM-1 zone. Eaves and other architectural projections which are above grade shall not contribute to lot coverage.
(Ord. 93-08-1164 § 1: Ord. 93-03-1152 § 4 (part): Ord. 89-12-1046 § 1 (part); Ord. 89-09-1040 § 1 (part): prior code § 19.52.130 (Ord. 557 § 306(G), 1964))
A. The maximum permitted floor area ratio shall be .5 in the RL, RLM-1 and RLM-2 zones.
B. Maximum permitted floor area ratio shall be calculated as follows:
gross floor area - garage square feet
net lot area
For purposes of this subsection, "gross floor area" means and includes the area of the first story and any additional stories for all structures, including garages, greenhouses and accessory buildings on a lot. The following shall not contribute to the calculation of gross floor area:
1. Covered patios, balconies and walkways;
2. Eaves and other architectural projections;
3. Antennas; and
4. Uncovered tennis courts, pools, spas and similar recreational facilities.
Net lot area is the gross lot area less the required right-of-way dedications.
C. In the RLM-2 zone, no unit may exceed seventy-five percent of the permissible gross floor area for the respective parcel as calculated in subsection B of this section.
(Ord. 2003-10-1322 § 2: Ord. 2001-07-1289 § 6: Ord. 93-03-1152 § 4 (part): Ord. 92-03-1116 § 1: Ord. 90-09-1077 § 1)
The following standards shall apply to all fences and walls located in any residential district:
A. Corner Cutoff Area. There shall be a corner cutoff area at the intersection of any two streets, a street and alley or any two alleys. Such corner cutoff area shall be measured from a point not less than thirty feet from the intersection of the two property lines. Nothing in excess of three feet in height, including landscaping, may be located within the corner cutoff area. Where due to an irregularly shaped lot or a lot on a curved street, the required corner cutoff area cannot be provided as above, an area shall be established which will adequately protect intersection visibility. Such area shall be approved by the director of planning.
B. Permitted Fences, Walls and Hedges. Fences, walls and hedges not greater than six feet in height shall be permitted at all rear and side property lines and within required rear or side yards, and at or to the rear of all front setback lines. No fence, wall or hedge over four feet in height shall be permitted in any required front yard or in the required street side of a corner lot.
C. Architectural Embellishments. Architectural embellishments such as pilasters, archways, sculptures, etc., may be permitted to project above the maximum height on any fence, hedge or wall, subject to approval of the planning director, provided that such embellishment does not significantly increase the overall average height or apparent mass of the wall.
D. Except for retaining walls, the height of the fence, wall or hedge shall be measured from the lowest finished grade on either side of any fence, wall or hedge.
E. Fences, walls and/or hedges shall be measured as a single unit if built or planted within three feet of each other.
F. Retaining WallProtecting Cut Below Natural Grade. Where a retaining wall protects a cut below natural grade and is located within three feet of a property line separating lots, such retaining wall may be topped by a fence, wall or hedge, but the height shall be measured from the highest actual finished grade on either side.
G. Retaining WallContaining Fill. When a retaining wall contains a fill, the height of the retaining wall built to retain the fill shall be considered as contributing to the permissible height of a fence, solid wall or hedge providing that in any event a protective fence or wall not more than forty-two inches in height, as measured from the grade retained, may be erected at the top of such retaining wall and any portion of such fence, wall or hedge above the otherwise permitted height shall comply with Section 20.04.291, Fence.
H. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to set aside or reduce the requirements for fencing by local, state or federal law or regulation.
(Ord. 93-03- 1152 § 4 (part): Ord. 89-09-1040 § 1 (part): Ord. 84-08-929 § 2: prior code § 19.52.200(10) (Ord. 557 § 306(N)(10), 1964))