20.10.090   Open space.
   A.   Requirements. In each residential district, that portion of each lot required to be open space, the minimum dimensions of same, and other restrictions are as follows:
% of Lot
Min. Dimension
*   Calculated on basis of lot area after right-of-way dedication(s).
   B.   Exclusions. The following shall not be considered open space for purposes of satisfying minimum requirements herein:
   Front setbacks;
   Street side setbacks;
   Guest parking areas;
   Exterior staircases and areas below such staircases;
   Enclosed patios, decks or balconies; and
   Potted plants.
   C.   Single-family Detached Development. There shall be no open space requirement for each single-family detached dwelling provided that the lot is occupied by not more than one dwelling.
   D.   Covered Patios, Pools, Spas and At-grade Decks. Covered patios, pools, spas, and at-grade decks shall not occupy more than fifty percent of the required open space.
   E.   Areas Less Than Ten Feet by Ten Feet. Landscaped areas which are less than ten feet by ten feet, but which abut a required street setback area shall be counted as contributing to the open space requirements.
   F.   Landscaping. All required open space areas shall at a minimum be fifty percent landscaped and irrigated. Landscaped areas shall be clear and open from the ground to the sky, with the exception of building eaves. The remaining fifty percent of required open space may consist of walkways, at-grade decks, above-grade decks, balconies, patios, additional landscaping, pools, and other areas as approved by the director of community development.
   G.   Balconies. Square footage located on balconies or decks extending from the second floor or above a first floor may be counted towards meeting the open space requirements, provided such area does not exceed fifty percent of the required open space, has minimum dimensions of five feet by five feet, is not located in a front, side and rear setback, and is not covered with a solid roof or enclosed. The area below a balcony or deck may only qualify as open space if the space beneath has a minimum height of eight feet from finished grade level to the bottom of balcony or deck.
(Ord. 2006-09-1364 § 1: Ord. 93-03-1152 § 4 (part): Ord. 89-12-1046 § 1 (part); Ord. 89-09-1040 § 1 (part))