All mobile homes on permanent foundations shall comply with the following development standards:
A. Permanent foundation systems shall be installed pursuant to Section 18551 of the California Health and Safety Code.
B. Units shall be built to the specifications of the National Housing and Construction Standards Act and shall display an insignia of approval from the California Department of Housing and Urban development pursuant to Section 18550(b) of the California Health and Safety Code.
C. Units shall have roofs with a pitch of not less than two inches rise for each twelve inches of horizontal run, and consisting of shingles or other roofing materials customarily used for conventional single-family residences, as approved by the director of the department of planning and community development.
D. A unit may be required to have porches and eaves, or roof with eaves when, in the opinion of the director of the department of planning and community development, it is necessary to make it compatible with other dwellings in the area.
E. Units shall be covered with an exterior siding material customarily used on conventional dwellings and approved by the director of the department of planning and community development. Exterior material shall extend to the ground except that when a solid concrete or masonry perimeter foundation is used, the exterior covering material need not extend below the top of the foundation.
(Ord. 93-03-1152 § 16 (part): Ord. 85-09-955 § 1 (part); Ord. 82-2-888 § 4)
Temporary uses listed in this title may be permitted subject to review and approval of the planning director upon filing of a temporary use permit application, plot plan, and payment of fees as may be determined by resolution of the city council, at least thirty days prior to the event. Any approval of a temporary use shall be in writing and shall include:
A. Finding that the use will not be detrimental to the community and to property in the vicinity;
B. Such conditions and/or improvements as are deemed necessary to effectuate the purposes of this code which may include the posting of a bond or other security approved by the city attorney, in an amount determined by the approving authority to guarantee the restoration of the property to its original or otherwise satisfactory condition;
C. A specific time limit for removal of the temporary use and the restoration of the property involved to its former or otherwise satisfactory condition. Temporary uses shall be permitted for a time period not to exceed forty-five days except circuses, carnivals and fairs may exceed forty-five days subject to Section 20.66.215, and temporary construction trailers may be permitted for a period not to exceed six months unless extended by the planning director.
(Ord. 97-05-1217 § 1: Ord. 93-03-1152 § 16 (part): Ord. 88-11-1020 § 3: Ord. 85-09-955 § 1 (part); Ord. 81-3-866 § 1: prior code § 19.52.200(18) (Ord. 557 § 306(N)(18), 1964))
Circuses, carnivals and fairs exceeding forty-five days may be permitted subject to following requirements.
A. Review of Application. Application for a temporary use permit shall be reviewed by the planning commission. If the planning commission recommends city council approval of a temporary use permit, then a city council hearing shall be scheduled.
The application shall be made to the commission and council on forms furnished by the city and shall be full and complete, including such data as may be prescribed by the commission and council to assist in determining the validity of the request.
B. Filing Fee. When a temporary use permit is filed, a fee of five hundred dollars shall be paid for the purpose of defraying the costs incidental to the proceedings.
C. Commission Hearing.
1. Notice. Notice of all public hearings shall be given and shall contain the name and the place of the hearing and other pertinent data presented in the application.
Notice shall be mailed not less than ten days before the date set for the hearing to owners of property within a radius of three hundred feet of the external boundaries of the property described in the application, using for this purpose the last known name and address of such owners as are shown on the latest adopted tax roll of the county.
2. Hearing. A copy of the council resolution shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application. The applicant or any person aggrieved may appeal any decision of the commission to the council by filing a written notice of appeal within ten days after the decision.
3. Findings. The commission in recommending the temporary use permit shall find as follows:
a. The site for the proposed use is in conformance with the general plan and is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use and all yards, spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading, landscaping and other features required by this title to adjust the use with land and uses in the neighborhood;
b. The site for the proposed use relates to the streets and highways element of the general plan and is adequate in width and pavement type to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated by the proposed use;
c. The proposed use will have no adverse effects on abutting property or the permitted uses thereof; and
d. The conditions stated in the resolution are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare.
Such conditions may include the following: special yards, spaces and buffers; fences and walls; surfacing of parking areas subject to specifications; off-street parking requirements; required street dedications and improvements (or bonds); regulations of points of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress; regulation of signs; requiring maintenance of the grounds and abutting streets; requiring landscaping and maintenance thereof; regulation of noise, vibration, odors, etc.; regulation of time for certain activities; time period within which the proposed use shall commence operation; a bond for removal of the use within a specified period of time; and such other conditions as will make possible the development of the city in an orderly and efficient manner and in conformity with the intent and purpose set forth in this title.
D. Council Hearing. The council shall not less than ten days after the legal notice of a public hearing on a temporary use permit hold the public hearing. Notice shall be mailed not less than ten days before the date set for the hearing to owners of property within a radius of three hundred feet of the external boundaries of the property described in the application, using for this purpose the last known name and address of such owners as are shown on the latest adopted tax roll of the county.
1. The council may approve, with stated conditions, or disapprove the temporary use permit by resolution. The council may add, delete or amend any of the conditions recommended by the commission.
2. A copy of the council resolution shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application.
3. The council may establish time limits within which the subject property and use or any stage or phase thereof shall be commenced and completed. The time limits set by the council shall be reasonable based on the size and nature of the proposed use. Once any portion of the conditional use permit is utilized, the other conditions thereof become immediately operative and shall be strictly complied with.
4. The decision of the council shall be final. No person including the original applicant shall apply for a similar temporary use permit on the same land within a period of one year from the date of the final decision on such previous application unless such decision is a denial without prejudice.
E. Revocation of Permit.
1. The council on its own motion at a public hearing with or without a recommendation from the commission may revoke any temporary use permit granted by it for noncompliance with the conditions set forth in granting the permit.
2. The commission on its own motion at a public hearing with or without a recommendation from council may recommend the revocation of a temporary use permit granted by the council for noncompliance with the condition set forth in granting the permit.
3. If an established time limit for the use expires, the temporary use permit and all right and privileges established therein shall be considered void.
(Ord. 97-05-1217 § 2)
A. Where it can be shown that trees or other plant materials, by reason of their location, height or density of foliage, are obstructing the visibility of a building to the extent that public safety personnel cannot readily see the building from the public right-of-way, or are preventing the penetration of light and air to any property within the vicinity of the trees or other plant materials such as to present a threat to human health and safety on the affected property, such trees or plant materials are declared to be a public nuisance.
B. Where the continuance of the above-stated nuisance would, in fact, be a detriment to the public health, safety, general welfare, and to the enjoyment of a substantial property right, the city may, upon giving written notice, cause the owner of the property, on which the trees or other plant materials are located, to trim same or to otherwise cause the visibility and the penetration of light and air to be restored. The notice shall specify what corrective action is required and shall give the owner the right to respond, in writing, within fifteen days of the date of the notice as to any objections the owner has to taking the action specified in the notice. The planning director shall consider any materials filed by the owner and give the owner written notice of the planning director's final determination. Should the owner of the property on which the cause of the nuisance is located fail to comply with terms of the final notice within a period of thirty days following the issuance of the notice, the city may cause such corrective work to be done and may require the owner of the property on which the tree or other plant materials are located to pay for the costs thereof.
(Ord. 93-03-1152 § 16 (part): prior code § 19.52.200(20) (Ord. 557 § 306(N)(20), 1964))
The following procedure shall apply to all public utilities ad service installations:
The provisions of this title shall not be construed as to limit or interfere with the construction, installation, operation and maintenance of any use coming under the jurisdiction of the public utilities commission, which uses are related to the public utility purposes of water and gas pipes, mains and conduits, telegraph and telephone lines, pole-mounted repeaters, telephone booths (except in residential districts), sewers and sewer mains, electric light and power distribution and transmission lines.
(Ord. 93-03-1152 § 16 (part): prior code §§ 19.76.010, 19.76.020 (Ord. 582 § 1(57), (58), 1965; (Ord. 557 § 405, 1964))
From time to time, the approving body may require to be recorded against the property of any development project easements, covenants, conditions and/or restrictions. Such recorded covenants may be utilized to require the owner and their successors in interest to use, operate, manager, maintain and conduct the property in accordance with conditions and restrictions established by the city. The conditions and restrictions shall be set forth in the recorded instrument. The recorded instrument shall be in form approved by the city attorney and may include provisions making the city a party, prohibiting amendment without the approval of city, and providing appropriate enforcement mechanisms, after appropriate notice and opportunity to be heard, including revocation of permits and permitting the city to perform the work and establish a lien against the property if the city's costs are not reimbursed within a reasonable time. The city may require the filing of appropriate title documents to demonstrate that the city has appropriate priority.
(Ord. 93-03-1152 § 16 (part))