Waterworks and Sewerage System
50.001 Definitions
50.002 Waterworks system authorized as a single utility
50.003 Establishment of Utilities Department
50.004 Utilities Superintendent
50.005 Collector of revenues
50.006 City Clerk duties
50.007 Application; connection fees
50.008 Water applicant with past-due bill
50.009 Service charges
50.010 Meters
50.011 Temporary connections and other charges
50.012 Service charges; billing and payment; liability
50.013 Notice of delinquency and termination; dispute procedure
50.014 Payment; 30-day penalty and liens
50.015 Interruption of service
50.016 Waterworks and sewerage system regulations
50.017 Sewer main connection line; cost and regulations
50.018 Sewerage connection; backtrap required
50.019 Permits required for alterations and extensions
50.020 City repair of system; rights of city
50.021 Water bill payment; owner’s responsibility
50.022 Separate premises; separate stockpile required
50.023 Sprinkling laws
50.024 Hydrants
Water Main Extensions
50.035 Preliminary approval
50.036 Installation; specifications applicable
50.037 Plans, specifications, and EPA permit application required
50.038 EPA permit prerequisite to construction
50.039 Pre-annexation agreement
50.040 Permanent easements
50.041 Maintenance cost during first year
50.042 Water mains
50.043 Fire hydrant requirements
50.044 Gate valves and boxes
50.045 Tapping sleeves and valves
50.046 Water mains pressure testing and disinfectant
50.047 Inspection of work and materials
50.048 As-built plans required
50.049 Water mains; city property
50.050 Commencement of city ownership responsibility
50.065 Definitions
50.066 Deposit of objectionable waste prohibited
50.067 Discharging untreated sewage of other polluted water prohibited
50.068 Private sewage disposal system
50.069 Public sewer system
50.070 Building sewer permit
50.071 Sewer application with past-due bill
50.072 Building sewers
50.073 Using old building sewers in connection with new buildings permitted
50.074 Discharges
50.075 Hazardous or deleterious waters
50.076 Grease, oil, and sand interceptors required
50.077 Preliminary treatment or flow- equalizing facilities
50.078 Control manhole requirements
50.079 Industrial wastewater discharge analysis
50.080 Damaging sewage works prohibited; disorderly conduct
50.081 Wastewater service charge
50.082 Flow measurement
50.083 Minimum charge and basic user rate established
50.084 Surcharge; rate
50.085 Wastewater service charge; formula for computation
50.086 Bills; requirements generally
50.087 Notice of delinquency and termination; dispute procedure
50.088 Charges deemed lien on property
50.089 Foreclosure of lien authorized
50.090 Revenues
50.091 Rates and charges; filing with the county
50.092 Inspection
50.093 Access to city records
50.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Sewer Applications
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
EMPLOYING OFFICIALS. The Utility Committee and Superintendent.
SUPERINTENDENT OF UTILITIES. The Superintendent of combined Waterworks and Sewerage Department.
UTILITIES DEPARTMENT. The combined Waterworks and Sewerage Department.
(1978 Code, § 13.04.010) (Ord. 278, passed - -1951)