Building Code and Regulations
   150.001   Building Code adopted
   150.002   Additions, insertions and changes to the Code
   150.003   Building official
   150.004   Building permit required; fee
   150.005   Fencing of landscaping obstruction of view
Plumbing Code
   150.020   Plumbing Code adopted
   150.021   Additions, insertions and changes to the Plumbing Code
   150.022   Plumbing inspector
   150.023   Plumbing permit required; fee
   150.024   Registration required; fee
   150.025   Bond required
   150.026   Minor repairs
   150.027   Board of Appeal; member qualifications
   150.028   Septic tank regulations
   150.029   Public system available
   150.030   Water service pipes
   150.031   Materials
   150.032   Joints under slabs
   150.033   Certain values and preventers prohibited
   150.034   Interceptors; capacity; maintenance
   150.035   Inspections
Electrical Code
   150.050   Electrical Code adopted
   150.051   Compliance with Electrical Code
   150.052   Electrical equipment defined
   150.053   Conformance with regulations and standards
   150.054   Administration
   150.055   Repairs
   150.056   License required; fees
   150.057   Service facilities and installations
   150.058   Town authority; special rulings
   150.059   Installations; permits requirements; fees
   150.060   Utility connection; permit required
   150.061   Inspection of electrical installations
   150.062   Right of entry for inspector
   150.063   Responsibility for damages
   150.064   Temporary services; certificate
   150.065   Installation approval before concealing work
   150.066   Roughed in work
   150.067   Specific requirements and standards
Mechanical Code
   150.080   Mechanical Code adopted
   150.081   Additions, insertions and changes to Mechanical Code
   150.082   License required; fees
   150.083   Bond required
   150.084   Inspections
   150.085   Mechanical inspector
   150.086   Permit required; fees
   150.087   Minor repairs
   150.088   Board of Appeals; member qualifications
   150.089   Incinerators
Fuel Gas Code
   150.100   Fuel Gas Code adopted
   150.101   Additions, insertions and changes to Fuel Gas Code
   150.102   Permit required; fees
   150.103   Registration required; fees
   150.104   Bond required
   150.105   Minor repairs
   150.106   Board of Appeals; member qualifications
Certificates of Occupancy
   150.120   Certificates of occupancy required; application fee
   150.121   New buildings
   150.122   Contents of certificate
   150.123   Temporary occupancy
   150.124   Change of occupancy
   150.125   Withholding certificate
   150.126   Exemptions
Moving Buildings
   150.140   License required; fees
   150.141   Bond required
   150.142   Permit required; fee
   150.143   Inspection
   150.144   Town limits
   150.145   Height regulations
   150.146   Floor area restrictions
   150.147   Public safety requirements
   150.148   Conduct of moving
   150.149   Poles and wires
   150.150   Trees and fixtures
   150.151   Railway tracks
   150.152   Exceptions
Factory-Built Structures and Travel Trailers
   150.165   Definitions
   150.166   Permitted placement of homes
   150.167   Nonresidential factory-built structures prohibited
   150.168   Notice for violations to licensee
   150.169   Factory-built home requirements
   150.170   Inspections
   150.171   Inspection of outside premises
   150.172   Occupant to give access
   150.173   Notice of health and safety violations
   150.174   Request for hearing
   150.175   Inspection findings
   150.176   Appeals
   150.177   Emergency action without notice
Oil and Gas Drilling
   150.190   Intent and purpose
   150.191   Definitions
   150.192   Oil and gas inspector
   150.193   Permit required; annual inspection fee
   150.194   Application for permit; filing fee
   150.195   Issuance or refusal of permit
   150.196   Board of Review; consent of adjacent property owners
   150.197   Insurance and bond
   150.198   Seismic exploration; approval fee
   150.199   Compliance with applicable laws
   150.200   Applicability to existing conditions
   150.201   Forms filed with State Corporation Commission
   150.202   Informal complaints
   150.203   Service companies
   150.204   Conduits on streets and alleys
   150.205   Accumulation of vapor
   150.206   Inspection of pressure lines
   150.207   Enhanced recovery, deleterious substances disposal wells
   150.208   Disposal of saltwater
   150.209   Surface casing
   150.210   Abandoned wells, plugging
   150.211   Well location
   150.212   Fences
   150.213   Noise and other nuisances
   150.214   Maintenance of facilities
   150.215   Storage tanks and separators
   150.216   Fire prevention
   150.217   Pits
   150.218   Retaining walls
   150.219   Motive power
   150.220   Derrick and rig
   150.221   Drilling operation, equipment
   150.222   Moving of drilling rig
   150.223   Streets and alleys
   150.224   Flaring of gas
   150.225   Fracture and acidizing
   150.226   Swabbing and bailing
   150.227   Rupture in surface casing
   150.228   Depositing oil products
   150.229   Safety precautions
   150.230   Water for muds
   150.231   Ingress and egress
   150.232   Movement of heavy equipment
   150.233   Purchase of well sites by town
   150.234   Order to cease operations
   150.235   Appeals
Supplemental Building Regulations
   150.250   Residential construction; additional requirements
   150.251   Smoke detection devices
   150.252   Canopies and awnings; permit required; fee
   150.999   Penalty