(A)   Filing fee; contents of application. Every application for a permit to drill an original well or to reenter an abandoned well shall be in writing, signed by the applicant or by some person duly authorized to sign same on his or her behalf, and it shall be filed with the oil and gas inspector and be accompanied by a permit fee as set by the Town Board of Trustees by resolution. No application shall request a permit to drill more than one well. The application shall contain full information required by the oil and gas inspector, including the following:
      (1)   Name and address of applicant and date of application;
      (2)   Where applying for a proposed original well:
         (a)   A block map of the ten acres surrounding the drill site, including thereon the location of the proposed well, and distance therefrom to all existing dwelling houses, buildings or other structures, designed for the occupancy of human beings or animals, and the owners thereof, as shown by the current tax rolls in the County Treasurer’s office, within 300 feet of any such well, and the location of all existing oil, gas or fresh water wells within the ten acre tract; and
         (b)   The names of the mineral, surface and lease owners.
      (3)   A drilling prognosis, to specify in detail the amount, weight and size of conductor pipe and surface pipe and the procedures to be used for cementing such. Plugging procedures to be used in the event production is not established shall also be specified;
      (4)   A statement of the provisions for water for the drilling rig;
      (5)   (a)   A written plan for disposal of deleterious substances produced during the drilling operations and any deleterious substances produced as a result of production from the well.
         (b)   This plan shall include the method of transportation and the name of transporter or transport contractor for the deleterious substances and the name and location of the permitted disposal site, including a copy of the permit for the disposal site and a contract with the owner of the permitted site for the disposal of the deleterious substances, or in the alternative, provide proof of ownership of the permitted disposal site.
         (c)   The permittee shall provide monthly reports to the town of the amount of saltwater and other deleterious substances produced, along with receipts for disposal of same;
      (6)   The name and address of the person within the state upon whom service of process upon applicant may be made within this state; and in the case of any nonresident person who has no such service agent within this state, there shall be attached to the application the designation of such a service agent resident in the county, and a consent that service of summons may be made upon such person in any action to enforce any of the obligations of the applicant hereunder; and
      (7)   A verification of the above information by the applicant hereunder.
   (B)   Copy of state drilling permit. A copy of the approved drilling permit from the State Corporation Commission and a copy of the staking plat shall be filed with the town prior to issuance of the municipal permit.
   (C)   Reentry of abandoned well. Where the application is one for the reentry of an abandoned well, the application shall contain all the information required by division (A) of this section, with the exception that the oil and gas inspector may vary the requirements thereof to suit the application before him or her. Provided, that such an application for a permit to reenter an abandoned well shall provide the following information in every case:
      (1)   A statement of:
         (a)   The then condition of the well;
         (b)   The depth to which it is proposed such well shall be deepened; and
         (c)   The proposed casing program to be in connection with the proposed deepening.
      (2)   Evidence of adequate current tests showing that the casing strings currently passed the same tests that are required in the case of the drilling of an original well.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)