§ 150.217 PITS.
   Steel mud or circulating pits shall be used. Such pits and contents shall be removed from the premises and the drilling site within 15 days after completion of the well. Earthen pits will be allowed only as temporary emergency pits or as catch basins. Catch basin pits shall be used only for the purpose of catching any deleterious substance runoff and shall be not greater than 320 cubic feet. Such catch basin will be equipped with a liquid level activated pump designed to keep fluids pumped out of such catch basin pit. All such earthen pits must be lined and approved in writing by the oil and gas inspector. Emergency pits shall be emptied as soon as the emergency is over, and all such pits shall be emptied and then leveled within 15 days after completion of the well.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)