(A)   Employment. The Town Board of Trustees shall appoint a qualified person, firm or corporation as an oil and gas inspector, whose duty it shall be to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Authority, duties.
      (1)   The oil and gas inspector shall have the authority to issue such orders or directives as are required to carry out the intent and purpose of this chapter and its particular provisions. Failure to abide by any such order or directive shall be a violation of this chapter.
      (2)   The oil and gas inspector shall have the authority to go upon and inspect any premises covered by the terms of this chapter to ascertain whether this chapter and the applicable laws, rules, regulations, standards or directives of the state are being complied with. Failure to permit access to the oil and gas inspector shall be deemed a violation of this chapter.
      (3)   The oil and gas inspector shall have the authority to request and receive any records, specified in this chapter, relating to the status or condition of any well or project or the appurtenances thereto within the town. Failure to provide any such requested material shall be deemed a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021) Penalty, see § 150.999