§ 150.141 BOND REQUIRED.
   The bond to be given by a licensed house mover shall be executed to the town in the penal sum of $2,500, with a surety company authorized to do business in the state as surety thereon, which said bond shall be for the benefit of the town and any private person or corporation sustaining damages under the conditions thereof. Any such private person or corporation shall be entitled to sue thereon, in his, her or its own name. The bond shall be on condition, among other things, that if the license shall be granted, the licensee will in all respects comply with the ordinances of the town relating to the moving of buildings or structures and to the use or obstruction of the streets, highways and other public ways and protect the town from all liability which may arise or be occasioned either directly or indirectly from the moving of any building or structure by the licensee, his or her agents, servants, employees, workmen, contractors, or subcontractors, while engaged in any work in connection with the moving of any building or structure, including any loss or damages which may be sustained because of the stoppage of any business or industry located along the route over which the building or structure shall be moved, caused or occasioned by the operation of moving such building or structure.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)