(A)   Required. No building or structure now or hereafter erected within the corporate limits of the town shall be removed or relocated without a permit for such work issued by the town offices, upon written application made therefor.
   (B)   Application. No application for a permit to move any building or structure on, over, along or across any street or highway shall be granted to any person other than a licensed house mover, who shall file with the town offices a written application therefor, definitively stating in such application:
      (1)   Type of building. Type and kind of building to be moved;
      (2)   Cost and value. The original cost and present value of such building;
      (3)   Dimensions. The extreme dimensions of the length, height, and width of the building;
      (4)   Locations. Its present location and proposed new location by lot, block, subdivision and street numbers;
      (5)   Time on streets; route. The approximate time such building will be upon the streets, and the contemplated route that will be taken from present to new location; and
      (6)   Compliance with law. That the moving of this building does not violate the fire district requirements, or any other requirements of the ordinances of the town.
   (C)   Action on application. When such application is filed with the town offices, such offices shall immediately notify the Fire Chief and the Police Chief. Upon receiving such notification, the Town Administrator, or his or her duly appointed representative, shall examine the proposed moving route and make such changes therein as he or she shall deem necessary, or designate an entire new route, and attach to the application for such permit his or her certificate of approval of such designated moving route. The building inspector shall then make the inspection required relating to his or her department; and if it is found that the building or structure can be moved and relocated in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter, it shall then be the duty of the town offices to issue a permit for such work; otherwise such permit shall be refused.
   (D)   Issuance of permit; payment of fee. If the application is in accordance with the requirements of the ordinances and laws, the Town Clerk shall issue the permit upon the payment by the applicant of a moving building permit fee. The fee shall be set by a resolution of the Board of Trustees. A current copy of the fee schedule shall be kept in the office of the Town Clerk.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)