(A)   (1)   From the date of passage hereof, no mobile home or manufactured home shall be permitted in the town’s residential or platted areas unless in a previously established mobile or manufactured home park and are not permitted in unplatted areas less than five acres. In unplatted areas of five acres or more, the mobile home must be 660 feet from the property line of any platted area or residence, unless written permission has been received from property owners within 660 feet and after approval from the Town Board of Trustees.
      (2)   A permit to place mobile or manufactured housing in an unplatted area of five acres or more is required and may be issued by the inspection officer, if the application for permit complies with all town regulations. No variance may be granted to an applicant who does not meet the requirements of this section.
   (B)   (1)   From the date of passage hereof, no new placement of travel trailers shall be permitted within any mobile home park or manufactured home development within the town corporate limits.
      (2)   The placement of travel trailers is restricted to travel trailer parks only, provided that existing mobile home parks having existing spaces equipped for travel trailer usage are permitted to continue to locate trailers at such sites provided that each travel trailer placed on such sites shall comply with the area, location and building regulations set forth in this subchapter.
   (C)   Mobile homes presently existing inside of a mobile home park or manufactured home park may remain provided they are maintained and operated in accordance with all applicable regulations, licenses and permits of the town.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)