All technical or oil and gas industry words or phrases used herein and not specifically defined herein shall have the meanings customarily attributable thereto by prudent operators in the oil and gas industry. For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ABANDONED WELL. Each well in which no production casing has been run, and for which drilling or testing operations have ceased for 30 consecutive days; or any other well for which there is no current town permit.
ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTION. The raising to the surface of the earth, by means other than natural flow, petroleum or natural gas.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The governing body of the town.
CORPORATION COMMISSION. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
DELETERIOUS SUBSTANCE. Any chemical, salt water, oil field brine, waste oil, waste emulsified oil, basic sediment, mud or injurious substances produced or used in the drilling, development, producing, transportation, refining and processing of oil, gas or condensate.
ENHANCED RECOVERY. An operation by which fluid or energy is introduced into a source of supply for the purpose of facilitating recovery therefrom.
MAYOR. The chief elected official of the town.
NATURAL PRODUCTION. The raising to the surface of the earth, by natural flow, petroleum or natural gas.
OIL AND GAS INSPECTOR. That person, firm or corporation qualified and employed by the town to enforce the provisions of this chapter, or by his or her authorized representatives.
PERMITTEE. The person to whom is issued a permit or permits under the terms of this chapter.
PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, trust, cooperative or other type of organization.
POLLUTION. The contamination or other alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of any natural waters of the town, or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous or solid substance into any water of the town as will or is likely to create a nuisance or render such waters harmful or detrimental or injurious to:
(1) Public health, safety or welfare;
(2) To domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other beneficial uses; or
(3) To livestock, animals or aquatic life.
PRESSURE MAINTENANCE. An operation by which gas, water or other fluids are injected into a supply of oil to maintain pressure or retard pressure decline therein for the purpose of facilitating recovery therefrom, and which has been approved by the State Corporation Commission after notice and hearing.
SALT WATER. As used in this chapter shall mean any water containing more than 500 milligrams per liter (500 mg/l) chlorides.
STATE. The State of Oklahoma, its branches, departments, agencies, boards or the officers thereof.
TREATABLE WATER. Surface and subsurface water in its natural state which may or may not require treatment to be useful for human consumption and contains less than 10,000 ppm total dissolved solids and/or 5,000 ppm chlorides.
WATER, WATERS OF THE TOWN or TOWN WATER. All streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, watercourses, waterways, wells, springs, irrigation systems, drainage systems and all other bodies or accumulations of water, surface and underground, natural or artificial, public or private, which are contained within, flow through or border upon, the town or any portion thereof.
WELL. Shall mean, unless specifically qualified, any hole or holes, bore or bores, to any depth, for the purpose of producing and recovering any oil, gas or liquefied petroleum matter or deleterious substances, or for the injection or disposal of any of the foregoing.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)