(A)   Generally. No fuel gas fitting or fuel gas piping work shall be undertaken within the town without a permit therefor from the plumbing inspector. The fees to be paid for a fuel gas fitting or fuel gas piping permit shall be as provided by the Town Board by motion or resolution. The application for permit and inspection of work shall follow the provisions of the town’s Fuel Gas Code.
   (B)   Permit required. Before any person, firm or corporation shall install any equipment in the town for storage, dispensation or handling of liquefied petroleum and/or fuel gases, such person, firm or corporation shall first obtain a permit therefor from the town.
   (C)   Local and state authority. In granting or refusing such permit, the Fire Chief or his or her appointee shall take into consideration the proposed location of such equipment, and the probable hazards involved by reason of the proposed location thereof, and must have the approval of the state liquefied petroleum gas administrator in conformity with the state laws regulating such approval by the state liquefied State Liquified Petroleum Gas Administrator.
   (D)   Fee. A permit for the storage or dispensation of liquefied petroleum and/or fuel gas shall not be issued until a fee as set by the Town Board has been paid to the town.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)