(A)   Insertions and deletions. The following insertions and deletions are made to the Building Code:
      (1)   The words “the Town of Hennessey, Oklahoma” are inserted in the second line of Section 101.1;
      (2)   The words “The permit fees for performing the activity described in this chapter shall be set periodically by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Hennessey, Oklahoma, by duly adopted resolution, and the fees may be amended by resolution of the Town Board of Trustees.” are inserted into Section 109.2;
      (3)   The words “the Town of Hennessey, Oklahoma, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma” are inserted in the second line of Section 1612.3;
      (4)   Chapter 34 has been deleted and is replaced by the International Existing Building Code;
      (5)   Section 101.4.6 pertaining to the provisions of the International Energy Conservation Code are deleted;
      (6)   Section 110 of the Building Code is amended to include:
“It shall be the duty of the owner, contractor or permittee to inquire with the Town Inspector as to the times or stages that inspection shall be required and advise the Town Clerk when the owner, contractor or permittee is ready for inspection.”
      (7)   Section 105.3 of the Building Code is amended to include:
“No person, firm or corporation shall operate a place of business or engage in the business of contracting to do construction, repairing, remodeling or altering of buildings or structures within the town without first obtaining a building contractor’s license and paying the tax thereon, as required.”
      (8)   Section 105.2.2 of the Building Code is amended to include:
“Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the owner and occupant of a single-family residential dwelling performing alterations or modifications to the existing dwelling shall be considered ordinary repairs; provided that ordinary repairs shall not include any exterior additions to the existing dwelling. Ordinary repairs shall not include the cutting away of any structural beam or bearing support, or the removal or change of any required means of egress, or rearrangement of parts of a structure affecting the exit requirements; nor shall ordinary repairs include addition to, alteration of, replacement or relocation of any standpipe, water supply, sewer, drainage, drain leader, gas, soil, waste, vent or similar piping, electric wiring or mechanical or other work affecting public health or general safety.”
      (9)   Section 113.3 of the Building Code is deleted, and the following is substituted therefor: The membership of the Board of Appeals created herein shall consist of the duly appointed members of the Town of Hennessey Board of Adjustment.
      (10)   The following design criteria are inserted into Table R301.2 (1) of the International Residential Code (adopted by reference in Section 101.2 of the International Building Code):
Column 1
Ground Snow Load:
10 psf
Column 2
Wind Speed:
90 mph
Column 3
Seismic Design Category:
Column 4
Column 5
Frost Depth Line:
18 inches
Column 6
Column 7
Winter Design Temperature:
13 Deg F
Column 8
Ice Barrier Underlayment Required:
Column 9
Flood Hazards:
FIRM dated December 18, 2009
Column 10
Air Freezing Index:
Column 11
Mean Annual Temperature:
61.0 Deg F
      (11)   Section 3201 of the Building Code is amended to include:
         (a)   No permanent structure shall be located, constructed, placed or erected on a public easement or right-of-way; provided, portable buildings on skids or platforms, fences, driveways and other structures not permanently affixed to the ground shall not be prohibited by this section. For purposes of this section, “public easement or right-of-way” means any easement or right-of-way dedicated to the public for any purpose, whether recorded or not, “permanent structure” means anything which requires location on the ground, or which is attached to something having location on the ground.
         (b)   Non-permanent accessory buildings not exceeding 240 square feet in size and encroaching on a public easement or right-of-way as provided in division (a) above shall be constructed on skids or platforms allowing the entire structure to be moved by connecting a towing or winching device to the platform or skids.
         (c)   All accessory buildings in excess of 240 square feet in size shall be considered permanent structures and shall be located on a permanent footing. These accessory buildings shall not be located over utility easements or rights-of-way.
         (d)   No building permanent, portable or non-permanent shall be located over any gas line, any publicly owned stormwater, water, wastewater or underground electric transmission line.
         (e)   Non-permanent, portable buildings may be located in the side yard setback, but no part of the building including any roof overhang shall extend beyond the property line of the property on which the building is located.
      (12)   The words “thirty” and “twenty-four” are inserted in the third and fifth lines respectively of Section 2603.5.1 of the International Residential Code (adopted by reference in Section 101.4 of the International Building Code).
      (13)   Amendments to Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Townhouses: the provisions of the International Residential Building Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Townhouses is hereby amended and modified as approved by the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission.
   (B)   Safety code; control. Section 102.4 of the Building Code is amended to include:
“Whenever any of the provisions of the Safety Code are in conflict with or are more restrictive than provisions of the Building Code, the Safety Code shall control where referenced by the Building Code.”
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)