The following insertions and deletions are made to the Mechanical Code:
   (A)   The words “the Town of Hennessey, Oklahoma,” are inserted in the second line of Section 101.1;
   (B)   The following fee schedule is inserted in Section 106.5.2: “The permit fees for performing the activity described in this chapter shall be set periodically by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Hennessey, Oklahoma, by duly adopted resolution, and the fees may be amended by resolution of the Town of Hennessey Town Board of Trustees.”;
   (C)   The words “zero” and “zero” are inserted in the fifth and eighth lines respectively of Section 106.5.3; The words “offense” and “$500” are inserted in the seventh and eighth lines respectively of Section 108.4 and all references to imprisonment in the section are deleted; and
   (D)   The words “$100” and “$500” are inserted in the thirteenth and fourteenth lines respectively of Section 108.5.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)