(A) Responsibility for safe disposal. Every permittee under this chapter shall be responsible for the safe disposal of salt water or other deleterious substances which he or she may bring to the surface of the earth and shall provide a plan for such disposal as required in § 150.194(A)(5) of this subchapter. Such disposal shall not result in pollution of the waters of the town and shall not result in any other environmental hazard and shall incorporate the best available techniques and equipment.
(B) Notify inspector of leakage or spillage. In the event of any leakage or spillage of any pollutant or deleterious substance, whatever the cause thereof, the permittee shall cause the oil and gas inspector to be notified thereof promptly. If, in the judgment of the oil and gas inspector, such leakage or spillage represents a potential environmental hazard, he or she may issue whatever corrective orders he or she deems appropriate, and additionally may require the appropriate testing of the surface and subsurface for pollutant incursion, the cost of such test or tests to be borne by the permittee.
(C) Disposal in earthen pit prohibited. No person shall dispose of saltwater or other deleterious substance in any lined or unlined earthen pit within the town limits.
(D) Injecting into annulus. No person shall inject any salt water or other deleterious substance into the annulus between the inside of the surface casing string and the next inside casing string, except when the bottom of the properly cemented surface casing extends 200 feet or more through or into a continuous impermeable clay barrier below the base of treatable water.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)