(A)   Certificate of occupancy required. 
      (1)   An application for a certificate of occupancy shall be required for either a new occupancy or a change in occupancy is desired. The application for the certificate shall be made to the building inspector and the building inspector shall be supplied with sufficient information and data necessary to determine compliance with this title for the type of occupancy intended. When in the opinion of the building inspector it is necessary, two sets of detailed plans or a general inspection or both may be required.
      (2)   When, upon examination and inspection, it is found that the building conforms to the provisions of this title, to the applicable zoning laws, and to the health standards as may be set therefor by the County Health Department for such occupancy, a certificate of occupancy shall be issued.
   (B)   Certificate of occupancy application fee. The fee shall be set by a resolution of the Board of Trustees. A current copy of the fee schedule shall be kept in the office of the Town Clerk.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)