§ 21-14.1 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purposes of this division, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section.
   AIR CONTAMINANTS. Smoke, soot, fly ash, dust, cinders, dirt, noxious or obnoxious acids, fumes, oxides, gases, vapors, odors, toxic or radioactive substances, waste, particulate, solid, liquid or gaseous matter or any other materials discharged into the open air.
   AIR POLLUTION. The discharging from stacks, chimneys, exhausts, vents, ducts, openings, buildings, structures, premises, open fires, portable boilers, vehicles, processes or any other source of any air contaminants in such place, manner or concentration as to cause injury, detriment, nuisance or annoyance to the public or to endanger the health, comfort, repose, safety or welfare of the public or in such a manner as to cause, or to have a natural tendency to cause, injury or damage to business or property.
   COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. Any combustible waste material containing carbon in a free or combined state, other than liquids or gases.
   DENSE SMOKE. The smoke which has the density of No. 2 or greater as established by the Ringelmann chart referred to and adopted by this section.
   OPEN AIR. Any air space outside of a building.
   OPEN BURNING. The act of preparing, setting, igniting or maintaining an open fire.
   OPEN FIRE. Any fire from which air contaminants are admitted directly into the open air without passing through a stack, chimney or appliance that has first been approved by the department of public works.
   RINGELMANN CHART. The chart published and described in United States Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8333, and on which are illustrated graduated shades of white to black for use in estimating the light-obscuring capacity of smoke.
   SMOKE. Small gas-borne particles resulting from incomplete combustion, consisting predominantly of carbon and other combustible material and present in sufficient quantity to be observable independently of the presence of other solids.
(Ord. No. 70-1-1470, § 2; Ord. No. 70-8-1477, § 1)