(a) It shall be unlawful for a driver of a vehicle, other than a licensee operating under a valet parking license issued under Chapter 30, Article VI of the city code, as amended, to park in any place marked as a valet parking zone.
(b) It shall be unlawful for a valet parking operator to violate Chapter 30, Article VI, § 30-96(a)(5) of the city code, as amended. For purposes of this subsection, a valet parking operator is defined as a person or entity, including any employees or subcontractors, that operates under a valet parking license issued pursuant to Chapter 30, Article VI of the city code, as amended.
(Ord. 22224-05-2016, § 2, passed 5-17-2016)
(a) The driver of a vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle that is not a pre-arranged motorbus shall not stop, stand or park such vehicle for any period of time in a location specifically designated for use by pre-arranged motorbuses.
(b) The driver or operator of a pre-arranged motorbus shall not load or discharge passengers outside of a pre-arranged motorbus zone when in downtown, or within the pre-arranged motorbus zone in an unsafe manner.
(c) A pre-arranged motorbus parked in a pre-arranged motorbus zone shall not idle its engines nor remain parked for more than the posted time limit for that pre-arranged motorbus zone, unless extenuating weather conditions require a longer period.
(d) The pre-arranged motorbus driver or operator shall enter a pre-arranged motorbus zone in such a manner that the pre-arranged motorbus shall be in a position with the right front wheel no further than 18 inches from the curb and with the pre-arranged motorbus parked parallel to the curb so as not to unduly impede the movement of other vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 23478-12-2018, § 2, passed 12-4-2018)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to store or allow the storage of a vehicle upon the public streets, alleys, sidewalks or parkways of the city.
(b) For purposes of this section, a vehicle shall be considered stored if it is parked at the same location for a continuous period of time in excess of five days. Relocating the vehicle by less than one-tenth of a mile to another location on a public street, alley, sidewalk, or parkway of the city will not stop the running of the five day period. A stored vehicle is deemed to be a vehicle which is illegally parked on public property, and such vehicle shall be subject to removal and disposal as an abandoned vehicle, according to the terms of Article IX, Division 1, of this chapter.
(1964 Code, § 26-89) (Ord. 7190, § 1, passed 7-11-1975; Ord. 9852, § 2, passed 3-31-1987; Ord. 23193-04-2018, § 2, passed 4-17-2018; Ord. 24825-04-2021, § 1, passed 4-20-2021, eff. 4-25-2021)
(a) It shall be illegal for any person to park or to allow to be parked on any property under his or her control any automobile, bus, truck, motorcycle, motorhome, camper, trailer, boat or any vehicle on any portion of a front yard or side yard of any area which is zoned “A” One-Family, “A-R” Residential, “B” Two-Family, “R-1" Residential or “R-2" Residential under the comprehensive zoning ordinance or on any premises which is used for one-family, two-family or multifamily dwelling purposes unless:
(1) Such area is a part of a hard-surfaced driveway or parking area;
(2) Such area is a part of a gravel driveway bordered by cement curbing or similar permanent border;
(3) Such area is a part of a required driveway that provides access to a garage, carport or off-street parking area required by the zoning ordinance; or
(4) Such area is part of a side yard which is enclosed by a screening fence at least six feet in height and so constructed that no person can see through into the area surrounded by the fence.
(b) The term
VEHICLE as used herein shall mean every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a street or highway, except devices moved exclusively by human power.
(c) The term
HARD-SURFACED as used herein shall include cement, asphalt, brick and other commonly accepted pavement which may be approved by the building official.
(d) The terms of this section shall not be construed to apply to the parking of vehicles in a front yard or side yard where such parking is permitted in conjunction with temporary special events open to the public which may be designated from time to time by the city council.
(e) This section shall be cumulative of all ordinances of the city except where the provisions of this section are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed.
(1964 Code, § 27-54) (Ord. 9863, § 1, passed 4-21-1987; Ord. 9916, § 1, passed 7-28-1987)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to park or allow to be parked any oversize commercial vehicle or any tow trucks, dump trucks, truck-tractors, concrete mixing trucks, stake-bed trucks, buses, or similar vehicles, regardless of weight, on any property under his or her control or any portion of a front yard including the driveway, side yard or rear yard of any area of district which is residentially zoned under the comprehensive zoning ordinance or used for residential purposes.
(b) This section does not apply to a recreational vehicle as defined in § 22-1 that is less than 26 feet in length.
(1964 Code, § 26-91) (Ord. 12436, § 1, passed 3-14-1996; Ord. 17867, § 2, passed 11-6-2007; Ord. 19947-10-2011, § 2D, passed 10-25-2011; Ord. 23193-04-2018, § 2, passed 4-17-2018)
Editor’s note:
Section 22-162.1 was formerly § 22-162.
(a) It shall be unlawful for the driver, owner or operator of an oversized commercial vehicle to park or permit to be parked, stand or remain motionless:
(1) On a public street in any area zoned residential under the comprehensive zoning ordinance or used for residential purposes unless the vehicle is being actively loaded or unloaded; or
(2) For more than two hours on a public street in any area not zoned residential under the comprehensive zoning ordinance or not used for residential purposes.
(b) It shall be unlawful for the driver, owner or operator of a large recreational vehicle and an oversized recreational vehicle to park or permit to be parked, stand or remain motionless:
(1) On a public street in any area zoned residential under the comprehensive zoning ordinance or used for residential purposes; or
(2) On a public street in any area not zoned residential under the comprehensive zoning ordinance or not used for residential purposes.
(c) It is an exception to subsection (b)(1) above that the large recreational vehicle or oversize recreational vehicle is being parked or allowed to be parked, stand or remain motionless for loading, unloading, maintenance, or any combination thereof, for no more than 72 hours in any seven-day period. Relocation of the large recreational vehicle or oversize recreational vehicle to another location on private property or the adjoining public street does not stop the running of the 72-hour period.
(Ord. 17867, § 3, passed 11-6-2007; Ord. 18162-07-2008, § 3, passed 7-8-2008; Ord. 23193-04-2018, § 2, passed 4-17-2018)