Airport tenants authorized to dispense aviation fuel to the general public shall comply with the following requirements before commencing operations:
(a) Submit to the Director of Aeronautics a schedule of proposed aviation fuel services specifying hours and types of services, types of fuel offered, lubricants, associated products, fees and charges, including retail prices for all grades of aviation fuel to be sold. His approval shall be obtained prior to putting such schedule into effect.
(b) Execute an indemnification agreement holding the City harmless against liability arising from the fuel dispensing operations, if not already included in the tenant’s lease with the City.
(c) Furnish the Director of Aeronautics proof of adequate liability insurance coverage protecting the City, in companies and forms satisfactory to the Chief Legal Officer.
(d) Provide fuel storage and dispensing facilities which meet all safety standards of appropriate local, State and Federal authorities, and which have been approved by the Director of Aeronautics prior to their installation.
(Ord. 2031, passed 2-5-1968; Ord. 2537, passed 12-22-1975)
All person engaged in aviation fuel dispensing operations at the airport shall:
(a) Provide twenty-four hour service daily, without exception, to all users at the airport. Service may be provided by “attendant on duty” or “on call” if so specified in the schedule of Aviation Fuel Services approved by the Director of Aeronautics. “On call” service shall be provided within not more than one hour. All services shall be provided in an efficient, courteous manner.
(b) Adhere to the current approved schedule of Aviation Fuel Services on file with the Director of Aeronautics. Reduction of service, or increase in fees or charges may be made only after thirty (30) days written notice of the proposed amended schedule to the Director of Aeronautics, and his approval thereof.
(c) Secure written approval of the Director of Aeronautics prior to accepting delivery of any new type aviation fuel.
(d) Mark all fuel tenders appropriately to identify fuels. Mark all dispensing outlets for type and grade of fuel. Post “No Smoking” and “Flammable” signs on all sides and on rear of all fuel tenders.
(Ord. 2031, passed 2-5-1968)
No fuel or other flammable liquid shall be stored, however short the period, in bottles, cans or other like containers at the airport, provided, however, that safety cans may be used for fuel for ground equipment, tugs, tractors, mowers, and similar equipment.
(Ord. 2031, passed 2-5-1968)