389.01 Where Required
389.02 Approval of Plans for Standpipe Systems
389.03 Definitions
389.04 Materials
389.05 Location and Protection
389.06 Number
389.07 Size
389.08 Installation and Controls
389.09 Required Communication System for High Buildings
389.10 First-Aid Hose
389.11 First-Aid Hose in Sprinklered Buildings
389.12 Siamese Connections
389.13 Encroaching Hose Connections
389.14 Outlets
389.15 Water Supply for Required Wet Standpipes
389.16 Tests
389.17 Maintenance
389.18 Buildings Under Construction
389.19 Elevator for Use by Division of Fire
Yard Hydrant Systems
389.20 Location and Use Regulations
Automatic Sprinklers; Other Extinguishing Equipment
389.21 Scope and Application of Provisions
389.22 Required Locations
389.23 Definitions
389.24 Drawings
389.25 Design Pressure; Tests and Inspection
389.26 Approved Devices for Sprinkler Systems
389.27 Approved Standards for Installation
389.28 Water Supply Connections to City Main
389.29 Fire Division Connections
389.30 Basement or Cellar Sprinklers
389.31 Kitchen Compartments
389.32 Connections to Domestic Water Supply
389.33 Combination Sprinkler and Standpipe Tanks
389.34 Maintenance and Inspection
Hand Fire Extinguishing Equipment
389.35 Classification; Number Required; Location
(a) New Buildings.
(1) Buildings erected after June 27, 1949, shall be equipped with the standpipes specified in the following table:
Occupancy Classification
Where Required
Type of Installation
| |||||||
To comply with State Building Code
In bldgs more than 1 story in height irrespective of area
In bldgs. where any floor area above 1st story exceeds 15,000 sq. ft.
In bldgs. more than 2 stories in height above grade level
In bldgs. more than 3 stories or 45 feet in height above grade level
In bldgs. more than 55 ft. and more than 1 story in height above grade level
Dry System
Wet System
First Aid Hose Attached
Occupancy Classification
Where Required
Type of Installation
| |||||||
To comply with State Building Code
In bldgs more than 1 story in height irrespective of area
In bldgs. where any floor area above 1st story exceeds 15,000 sq. ft.
In bldgs. more than 2 stories in height above grade level
In bldgs. more than 3 stories or 45 feet in height above grade level
In bldgs. more than 55 ft. and more than 1 story in height above grade level
Dry System
Wet System
First Aid Hose Attached
| |
Residential – Class “A” Multiple Dwelling | X | X | |||||||
Residential – Class “B” Multiple Dwelling | X | X | X | ||||||
Business | X | X | X | ||||||
Mercantile | X | X | X | X | |||||
Institutional | X | X | X | ||||||
Assembly* | X | (also) X | X | X | |||||
Educational | X | (also) X | X | X | |||||
Storage (Low or Moderate Hazard) | X** | X** | X | ||||||
Industrial N.C. | X | X | |||||||
Industrial C. | X | X | X | X | |||||
High Hazard | X*** | X | X | ||||||
Note: Standpipes required even though building is equipped with automatic fire extinguishing equipment. * For assembly occupancies group classified as indoor-exhibition assembly, standpipes required on all floors exceeding 15,000 square feet in area within exterior walls or within exterior walls and a fire wall or fire walls. ** For buildings approved for incombustible storage only, standpipes required only in buildings more than 55 feet and more than 1 story in height above grade level. *** Standpipes not to be installed where moisture hazard material is present. No standpipes required where no combustible, flammable or explosive products or materials are stored, used or processed. | |||||||||
(2) All new standpipe installations shall be made in conformity with the provisions of Sections 389.01 to 389.19, except that standpipe installations in buildings exceeding three hundred (300) feet in height shall also conform to the rules promulgated by the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals.
(b) Existing Buildings. Within one (1) year of June 27, 1949, buildings erected prior to June 27, 1949, which exceed fifty-five (55) feet in height, are more than one (1) story in height above grade level and are not equipped with a standpipe or standpipes three (3) inches or more in diameter, shall be equipped with standpipe installations conforming to the requirements of Sections 389.01 to 389.19 for standpipe installations in buildings erected after June 27, 1949.
(c) Change of Occupancy. When there is a change in occupancy involving a change in occupancy classification, standpipe installations shall be provided, or existing installations shall be altered, to conform to the requirements of Sections 389.01 to 389.19. In cases of undue hardship the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals may approve the continued use of an existing standpipe installation when it is determined by the Board that such existing installation, without change or with approved modifications, will be adequate for new occupancy.
(d) Inspection, Improvement and Approval of Existing Installations.
(1) Within one (1) year of June 27, 1949, every existing standpipe installation within the City shall be inspected by the owner and by the authorized representative of the Fire Chief and shall have been placed in serviceable condition and in substantial conformity with the applicable provisions of this Fire Prevention Code. All connections shall conform to Fire Division standards and all defective hose shall be replaced with hose of an approved type.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (c) hereof, the provisions of this subsection (d) shall not be interpreted to require alterations to existing systems installed in conformity with the regulations enforced prior to June 27, 1949, provided that such systems are in serviceable condition; nor shall the provisions of this subsection (d) be interpreted to require the conversion of existing systems from dry systems to wet systems. No first-aid hose or other hose shall be provided or maintained on dry systems.
(3) All parts of existing systems shall be cleaned of rust or other accumulations, and the interiors of all check valves, the clapper valves on Siamese connections and all threads on hose connections and inlets shall be inspected and tested and replacements or repairs made where found necessary to place the systems in serviceable condition.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
All required standpipe installations shall be made in conformity with plans therefor which have been approved by the Fire Chief. Plans submitted for approval shall clearly indicate, in diagrammatic fashion, all component parts of the proposed system or systems, and the proposed location of all component parts.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
As used in this Fire Prevention Code:
(a) “Standpipe” means a pipe exclusively for firefighting purposes ending vertically throughout all stories of a building, including basement and cellars having one (1) or more inlets close to the grade level and on or adjacent to those exterior walls of a building which face a street or alley, and having outlets on every story, basement and cellar.
(b) “Dry standpipe” means a standpipe without fixed connection to a source of water and maintained without water in the piping.
(c) “Wet standpipe” means a standpipe connected to an open or automatically provided source of water with water available at all outlets at all times.
(d) “First-aid hose” means hose permanently attached to a standpipe outlet and provided primarily for use in firefighting by the occupants of the building. First-aid hose shall not exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) inches in diameter unless larger hose is specifically approved or directed by the Division of Fire.
(e) “Siamese” means a device on the exterior wall of a building, or in another approved location, equipped with inlets for attachment of Fire Division hose.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
(a) Pipe for standpipe systems shall be wrought iron or steel, except that underground pipe may be of cast iron and except that other materials may be used when approved by the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals. All piping of standpipe systems which may be subjected to pressure supplied by the Fire Division connections shall be designed for a working pressure of not less than one hundred (100) psi in excess of the static head of water due to the height of the standpipe.
(b) Every device, valve, fitting or hose used in connection with any required standpipe system shall be of a type approved by the Board. Devices, valves, fittings and hose of type tested and approved by the Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., or tested and approved by another recognized testing laboratory which possesses adequate equipment, experience and competency in this field, may be approved by the Board without additional tests.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
(a) All standpipes shall be so located that they are protected against corrosion and against physical and fire damage.
(b) All wet standpipes shall be so installed that they are protected against damage due to frost action.
(c) Standpipe outlets for use of the Division of Fire shall be within stairway enclosures. However, in buildings heretofore erected in which the stairways are not enclosed, such standpipe outlets shall be located as near the stairway as possible, or shall be outside or immediately inside the exterior walls within one (1) foot of an exterior stairway or fire escape as directed or approved by the Division.
(d) Standpipes and standpipe outlets in connection with assembly occupancy shall be located as specified by the Ohio Building Code.
(e) In Class B multiple dwellings, and in buildings or parts of buildings of mercantile occupancy, institutional occupancy or educational occupancy, first- aid hose, and the outlets therefor, shall be located in a public hallway, corridor or floor space, and hose shall be either within a cabinet, or on open racks, in an approved location where egress will not be obstructed thereby. First-aid hose in buildings of other occupancy classifications may be directly connected to the standpipe within a stair enclosure, or may be within an adjoining public hallway, corridor or floor space. Cabinet doors shall be plainly marked “Fire Hose” in letters not less than four (4) inches high.
(f) The location of all standpipes and standpipe outlets shall be subject to the approval of the Division.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
(a) Standpipe locations in theaters and assembly halls regulated by the Ohio Building Code shall be as specified in that Code.
(b) Other required standpipes shall be in such number and so located that all parts of all floor areas are within thirty (30) feet of a nozzle attached to one hundred (100) feet of Fire Division hose connected to a standpipe outlet provided for use of the Division and can be reached by a stream from such nozzle.
(c) Where first-aid hose is required by this Fire Prevention Code, it shall be provided and so located that all parts of every floor area are within twenty (20) feet of a nozzle attached to seventy-five (75) feet of hose connected to the valve at a first-aid hose station and can be reached by a stream from such nozzle.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
(a) When standpipes are required by this Fire Prevention Code, buildings seventy-five (75) feet or less in height above grade level shall have standpipes not less than four (4) inches in diameter.
(b) Buildings exceeding seventy-five (75) feet in height above grade level shall have standpipes not less than six (6) inches in diameter.
(c) Standpipes intended only for first-aid streams and provided in addition to and supplementary to required four (4) inch or six (6) inch standpipes shall be not less than the following:
(1) Two (2) inch for buildings up to and not exceeding four (4) stories or fifty (50) feet in height;
(2) Two and one-half (2-1/2) inch for buildings in excess of four (4) stories in height.
(d) Standpipes in theaters and assembly halls regulated by the Ohio Building Code shall be not less than the size specified in that Code.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)