As used in this Fire Prevention Code:
(a) “Standpipe” means a pipe exclusively for firefighting purposes ending vertically throughout all stories of a building, including basement and cellars having one (1) or more inlets close to the grade level and on or adjacent to those exterior walls of a building which face a street or alley, and having outlets on every story, basement and cellar.
(b) “Dry standpipe” means a standpipe without fixed connection to a source of water and maintained without water in the piping.
(c) “Wet standpipe” means a standpipe connected to an open or automatically provided source of water with water available at all outlets at all times.
(d) “First-aid hose” means hose permanently attached to a standpipe outlet and provided primarily for use in firefighting by the occupants of the building. First-aid hose shall not exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) inches in diameter unless larger hose is specifically approved or directed by the Division of Fire.
(e) “Siamese” means a device on the exterior wall of a building, or in another approved location, equipped with inlets for attachment of Fire Division hose.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)