§ 389.32 Connections to Domestic Water Supply
   When sprinklers are permitted by this Fire Prevention Code to be supplied from the domestic water supply the following conditions shall be met:
   (a)   Sprinkler systems shall be the automatic wet type;
   (b)   There shall be sufficient water available to provide not less than twenty (20) gallons of water per minute for thirty (30) minutes, flowing at a pressure of not less than fifteen (15) psi at each head, within the largest floor area or room in the building equipped with sprinklers so connected;
   (c)   The arrangement, location and spacing of sprinkler heads and the piping, materials, test connections and controls therefor shall conform to the standards established by Sections 389.26 and 389.27;
   (d)   An adequate supply of spare sprinkler heads shall be on hand at all times;
   (e)   No supply shall be taken from a standpipe system;
   (f)   Domestic water supply connections shall be made so that stagnant water from the sprinkler system is not likely to flow to drinking fountains or other locations where water is used for human consumption.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)