§ 389.13 Encroaching Hose Connections
   (a)   On new buildings and on new construction no Fire Division hose connection or Siamese connection shall be constructed so as to project beyond the street or alley line.
   (b)   When the provisions of this Fire Prevention Code require the installation of standpipes or sprinklers in existing buildings or in connection with existing uses and occupancies, or when because of change of occupancy standpipes or sprinklers are to be installed in existing buildings, and when the installation of recessed hose connections or Siamese connections would result in undue hardship, the Commissioner of Building may approve Fire Division hose or Siamese connections installed so as to project not more than ten (10) inches beyond the street or alley line.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)