General Provisions
   154.001   Short title
   154.002   Purpose
   154.003   Compliance
   154.004   Separability
   154.005   General prohibitions
   154.006   Official zoning map
   154.007   Annual zoning map update
   154.008   Zoning map interpretation
   154.009   Definitions
Use Regulations
   154.020   Purpose
   154.021   Establishment of districts
   154.022   Classification of annexed land
   154.023   General guidelines for zoning district designations
   154.024   General guidelines for lots and boundaries
   154.025   Uses permitted by right, provisional uses, special uses
Principal, Accessory, and Temporary Uses
   154.035   Principal use and mixed use — restrictions
   154.036   Rules of interpretation for uses
   154.037   Accessory use
   154.038   Standards for accessory uses
   154.039   Requirements for home occupations
   154.040   Requirements for automatic teller machines and donation boxes
   154.041   Requirements for non- commercial antennas, satellite dishes and towers
   154.042   Temporary uses
Provisional and Special Uses
   154.050   General
   154.051   Procedures for provisional uses
   154.052   Procedures for special uses
Agricultural District AG-1
   154.060   Purpose
   154.061   Use regulations
   154.062   Development and performance standards
   154.063   Provisional use development and performance standards
   154.064   Special use development and performance standards
Residential Suburban District RS
   154.070   Purpose
   154.071   Use regulations
   154.072   Development and performance standards
   154.073   Provisional use development and performance standards
Residential District R-1
   154.080   Purpose
   154.081   Use regulations
   154.082   Development and performance standards
   154.083   Provisional use development and performance standards
Residential District R-2
   154.090   Purpose
   154.091   Use regulations
   154.092   Development and performance standards
   154.093   Provisional use development and performance standards
Residential District R-3
   154.100   Purpose
   154.101   Use regulations
   154.102   Development and performance standards
   154.103   Provisional use development and performance standards
Residential District R-4
   154.110   Purpose
   154.111   Use regulations
   154.112   Development and performance standards
   154.113   Provisional use development and performance standards
Mobile Home (Manufactured Home) Park R-5
   154.120   Purpose
   154.121   Use regulations and site plan submittal requirements
   154.122   Development and performance standards
   154.123   Requirements for existing manufactured home parks
Central Business Commercial District CB
   154.130   Purpose
   154.131   Use regulations
   154.132   Development and performance standards
   154.133   Provisional and special use development and performance standards
Commercial Neighborhood District CN
   154.140   Purpose
   154.141   Use regulations
   154.142   Development and performance standards
   154.143   Provisional and special use development and performance standards
Industrial District I-1
   154.150   Purpose
   154.151   Use regulations
   154.152   Development and performance standards
   154.153   Provisional use development and performance standards
   154.154   Special use development and performance standards
Public Lands Overlay District PL
   154.160   Purpose
   154.161   Use regulations
   154.162   Development and performance standards
Planned Unit Developments
   154.170   General
   154.171   Approval process
   154.172   Post-approval process
   154.173   Planned development standards
   154.174   Table 154-1: Application Checklist for Planned Developments
   154.175   Table 154-2: Specifications for Required Plans and Drawings in Table 154-1
   154.176   Table 154-3: Planned Development Design Guideline
Parking, Loading, and Access Drives
   154.185   General
   154.186   Limitations and restrictions on parking areas
   154.187   Parking design standards
   154.188   Required number of spaces
   154.189   Loading
   154.190   Access drives
   154.200   General
   154.201   Limitations on signs
   154.202   Signs permitted in all districts without a permit
   154.203   Administration and enforcement
   154.204   Sign regulations by district
Landscaping and Screening
   154.210   General
   154.211   Screening between different land uses
   154.212   Parking lot landscaping and utilitarian areas
   154.213   Exceptions
   154.214   Design standards
Supplementary Regulations
   154.220   Purpose
   154.221   Development adjacent to watercourses and waterbodies
   154.222   Regulations regarding groundwater protection
   154.223   Regulations regarding private sewage disposal
   154.224   Erosion control, floodplain and stormwater management
   154.225   Lighting
   154.230   Purpose
   154.231   Application of nonconforming provisions
   154.232   Rules for specific types of nonconformities
   154.233   Provisions for existing residences in R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts
   154.234   Administration
Administration and Enforcement
   154.245   General
   154.246   Zoning review and permits
   154.247   Violations
   154.248   Enforcement
   154.249   Fees
   154.250   Permit and Fee Schedule
   154.251   Validity
   154.252   Repeal of conflicting ordinances
   154.253   Effective date
Planning and Zoning Board
   154.260   General
   154.261   Planning and Zoning Board jurisdiction and authority
   154.262   Petitions
   154.263   Appeals
   154.264   Variations
Amendments and Hearings
   154.275   General
   154.276   Application and notice
   154.277   Hearings and decisions
   154.278   Interim development
Editor’s notes:
   For purposes of this chapter, all references to the village’s tree ordinance shall refer to §§ 92.16 through 92.24, and Appendices A, B and C to Chapter 92.
   For purposes of this chapter, all references to the village’s subdivision ordinance shall refer to Chapter 153.
§ 154.001 SHORT TITLE.
    This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Zoning and Use Regulations Ordinance.”
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)