Note: There are some trees on this list of prohibited plants that are excellent for use in yards and parks; however, for one reason or another, such as being evergreen or producing an abundance of undesirable fruits, they are not suitable for planting along streets. Species on this list and species not included on the approved lists may, under certain circumstances, be planted along streets if advance approval is given by the Street and Alley Department and the Shade Tree Committee. The reasons for including species on the prohibited list is given below in parentheses.
Abies Species
All Species and Varieties of Firs (Evergreen)
Acer Negundo
Box Elder (Weak Wood, Disease Problems)
Acer Platanoides
Norway Maple (Disease Problems)
Acer Saccarinum
Silver Maple (Weak Wood, Disease Problems)
Aesculus Glabra
Ohio Buckeye (Messy Fruit)
Ailanthus Altissima
Tree of Heaven (Weak Wood, Extremely Weedy)
Albizia Julibrissio
Mimosa Tree, Silk Tree (Not Hardy)
Betula Papyrifera
Paper-bark Birch, White Birch, Canoe Birch (Disease Problems and Insect Pests)
Betula Pendula
European White Birch (Disease Problems, Insect Pests)
Betula Pigra
River Birch, Red Birch (Disease Problems, Insect Pests)
Carya Species
All Species and Varieties of Hickories and Pecans (Messy Fruit)
Castanea Species
All Species and Varieties of Chestnuts (Messy Fruit)
Catalpa Bignonoides
Catalpa (Weak Wood, Messy Fruit)
Catalpa Speciosa
Catalpa (Weak Wood, Messy Fruit)
Cercis Capadepsis
Redbud (Weak Crotching, Difficulty in “Raising” for Vehicular Traffic)
Crataegus Species
Hawthorns (Thorns), Thornless Varieties Are Acceptable
Elaeagnus Angustifolia
Russian Olive (Disease Problems)
Fagus Grandiflora
American Beech (Messy Fruit, Too Large)
Fagus Sylvatica
European Beech (Messy Fruit, Too Large); Columnar Forms Are Acceptable
Fraxinus Pennsylvanica
Green Ash
Ginkgo Biloba
Female Ginkgo Trees (Messy Fruit); Male Trees Acceptable
Gladitsia Triacanthos
Honey Locust (Disease Problems, Insect Pests)
Gymnocladus Dioicus
Female Kentucky Coffee Tree (Messy Fruit); Male Trees Are Acceptable
Ilex Opaca
American Holly (Evergreen, Insect Pests)
Juniperus Species
All Species and Varieties of Junipers and Cedars (Evergreen)
Juglans Species
App Species and Varieties of Walnuts, Butternuts, and Pecans (Messy Fruit)
Maclura Pomifera
Osage Orange, Hedge-apple (Thorns, Messy Fruit); Thornless, Male Varieties Are Acceptable
Magnolia - Soulangiana
Saucer Magnolia (Low Branching and Spread)
Malus Species
All Large-fruited Apples and Apples Susceptible Scab Disease and Fire Blight
Morus Species
All (Messy Fruit)
Paulownia Tomentosa
Empress Tree, Royal Paulownia (Not Hard)
Picea Species
All Species and Varieties of Spruces (Evergreen)
Pinus Species
All Species and Varieties of Pines (Evergreen)
Platapus Z Acerifolia
London Plane Tree (Disease Problems)
Platapus Occidentalis
Sycamore (Disease Problems)
Populus Species
All (Weak Wood, Messy Fruit)
Prunus Species
All Cherries and Plums, Except as on Approved Lists (Disease Problems, Messy Fruit, Short-lived)
Pseudotsuga Menziesii
Douglas Fir (Evergreen)
Pyrus Communis
All Large-fruited Pears (Disease Problems, Messy Fruit)
Quercus Palustris
Pin Oak (Often Has Iron Chlorosis Locally)
Robinia Pseudoacacia
Black Locust (Messy Fruit, Disease Problems, and Insect Pests)
Salix Species
All Willows (Weak Wood, Messy)
Sophora Japonica
Japanese Pagoda Tree (Questionably Hardy)
Sorbus Aucuparia
Mountain Ash (Fire Blight)
Thuja Species
All Species and Varieties of Arborvitaes (Evergreen)
Tilia Cordats
Littleleaf Linden (Branch Angles, Difficulty in “Raising” for Vehicular Clearance)
Tsuga Species
All Hemlocks (Evergreen)
Ulmus Americana
American Elm (Dutch Elm Disease)
Ulmus Pumila
Siberian Elm, Erroneously Called Chinese Elm (Weak Wood, Messy)
Ulmus Rubra or Fulva
Red Elm, Slippery Elm (Disease Problems)
Apple: All Large-fruited Apples and Apples Susceptible to Scab Disease and Fire Blight
Arborvitae: All
Ash: Green
Beech: All Except Columnar Species
Birch: All
Box Elder
Buckeye, Ohio
Cedar: All
Cherry: All Except on Approved Lists
Chestnut: All
Cottonwood: All
Crab Apple: See Restrictions under “Apple”
Douglas Fir
Elm: American, Red or Slippery, Siberian
Empress Tree
Fir: All
Ginkgo: Female Trees
Hawthorn: All Except Thornless Varieties
Hemlock: All
Hickory: All
Holly, American
Japanese Pagoda Tree
Juniper: All
Kentucky Coffee Tree: Female
Linden: Littleleaf
Locust: Black, Honey
London Plane Tree
Magnolia: Southern or Evergreen, Saucer
Maple, Norway
Maple, Silver
Mimosa Tree
Mountain Ash
Mulberry: All
Oak: Pun
Osage Orange
Pear: All Large-fruited Pears
Pine: All
Plum: All
Poplar: All
Royal Paulownia
Russian Olive
Silk Tree
Spruce: All
Sycamore: All
Walnut: All
Willow: All
Note: The official lists are those above using the more precise scientific names; these lists of trees by common names are unofficial but are provided for the convenience of the lay person.
Medium to Large Trees Approved for Planting
Medium to Large Trees Approved for Planting
Ash: Blue, White, Hesse European
Alder: European, Italian
Basswood: American
Black Tupelo
Corktree: Amur
Cucumber Tree
Elm: Lacebark
Filbert: Turkish
Ginkgo: Only Male Trees
Hardy Rubber Tree
Japanese Zelkova
Katsura Tree
Kentucky Coffee Tree: Only Male Trees
Linden: American, Crimea, Silver
Maidenhair Tree (Ginkgo): Only Male Trees
Maple: Black, Red, Sugar
Oak: Burr, English, Red, Scarlet, Shingle, Swamp White, White
Sour Gum
Sugar Hackberry
Small Trees Approved for Planting
Small Trees Approved for Planting
Bladdernut: American
Carolina Silverbell
Cherry-sargent, Japanese Flowering
Crabapple (Only Those Resistant to Apple Scab and Fire Blight)
Dogwood: Flowering, Pagoda
European Hornbeam
Japanese Tree Lilac
Magnolia: Laurel or Sweetbay
Maple: Amur, Hedge, Miyabe, Paperbark, Tatarian, Trident
Serviceberry: Tree Form