(A)   Parking lot screening — perimeters.
      (1)   The perimeter area of all open parking lots with more 25 and less than 100 parking spaces fronting on a public street, shall have a minimum setback from the property line to the back of curb and shall be screened in accordance with the table in division (A)(5) below. Parking areas with 100 or more spaces shall have a minimum 15-foot setback and be screened in accordance with the table in division (A)(5) below.
      (2)   The shrubs shall have a mature height of at least 36 inches with an overall height not to exceed 42 inches. Small shrubs may be used in combination with a berm to achieve an overall height of 36 inches when the shrubs are at maturity.
      (3)   Trees and shrubs may be clustered in groups, but in no case shall there be a gap between screening materials of more than nine feet.
      (4)   Opaque or closed fences in the parking lot setback must conform to the design standards in this subchapter.
      (5)   (a)   The reference elevation for the base of the required screen shall be the surface of the parking area that is to be screened.
Parking Lot Perimeter Screening
Trees Per Linear Feet
Shrubs Per Linear Feet
1 per 30'
3 per 30'
1 per 25'
3 per 25'
1 per 20'
3 per 20'
1 per 20'
3 per 20'
         (b)   Six-foot planting areas must also submit a plan to indicate proper drainage for plant materials to survive.
      (6)   Setback for accessory lots in residential areas can be found in §§ 154.185 through 154.190.
   (B)   Parking lot interior (required only for lots of 100 or more spaces).
      (1)   Landscape islands shall be located at the ends of all rows of parking. For rows of parking greater than 30 spaces, there shall be additional islands at a rate of one per 20 spaces. Thirty spaces is along one side of a parking island.
      (2)   Landscape islands shall be 160 square feet, with a minimum interior dimension of nine feet, and shall be protected by a barrier curb.
      (3)   Each island shall contain at least one tree approved for parking lot interiors from the village's tree ordinance.
      (4)   Islands may be evenly spaced in between the two end islands or combined to form one large island. A combined island shall be equal in size and planting material to the total of the individual islands being combined. In no case shall there be more than 60 spaces between landscaped areas.
      (5)   A continuous planting strip between rows may be substituted for the required landscaped islands. The planting strip shall be a minimum of eight feet in width and shall be protected by a barrier curb. There shall be at least one tree planted within the strip for every 20 parking spaces. A minimum of two trees shall be planted in any such strip. The trees shall be evenly spaced and calculated as specified previously in this division (B).
   (C)   Screening for utilitarian and outdoor storage areas. Utility areas accessory to a building, including but not limited to, loading docks, mechanical equipment, trash enclosures, and storage yards for construction materials, machinery, or inoperable vehicles which are visible from public rights-of-way or adjacent property, shall be screened with a 100% opaque masonry or wood fence, earthen berms, landscaping or any combination which provides a minimum height of six feet and ensures that such locations are not visible from adjacent property.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)