§ 154.230 PURPOSE.
   (A)   This subchapter will define and regulate different types of nonconformities with the intent that ultimately such nonconformities will be brought into compliance with the requirements of this chapter. This subchapter declares that nonconformities are incompatible with surrounding conforming properties. Consequently, such nonconformities should be removed or mitigated. Their continued existence should be discouraged and they should not be enlarged upon, expanded, or extended.
   (B)   Unabated nonconformities undermine the effectiveness of zoning regulations. Some nonconformities, such as industrial activities in residential areas, are a severe detriment to the neighborhoods. Noncomplying properties are also unfair to the majority of property owners who do comply with the regulations.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)