(A)   Lot requirements. Every lot used for residential purposes shall have:
      (1)   One principal use per lot.
      (2)   A minimum width at the building line of 100 feet.
      (3)   A minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet or 14 acres.
      (4)   A minimum ground floor area of the main residence of less than 1,600 square feet, if a single-story dwelling, or a ground floor area of less than 900 square feet if more than one story, exclusive of unenclosed porches, terraces, and garages.
   (B)   Setbacks.
      (1)   Front yards. Thirty-five feet from the right-of-way line.
      (2)   Side yards.
         (a)   On each interior lot, there shall be two side yards, having an aggregate width of not less than 30 feet, neither side yard having a width of less than 15 feet.
         (b)   On each corner lot, there shall be two side yards, the side yard abutting the street having a width of not less than 30 feet, and the side yard not abutting the street having a width of not less than 15 feet.
         (c)   Rear yards. There shall be a rear yard, the depth of which shall be not less than 30 feet, except that an accessory structure may be erected within the rear yard not closer to the property line than 15 feet.
   (C)   Floor area ratio. The maximum FAR for the principal building shall be 0.20.
   (D)   Open space ratio. The minimum OSR shall be 0.55.
   (E)   Maximum height.
      (1)   The maximum height of any building shall not exceed 35 feet, not exceeding two and one-half stories.
      (2)   For any building accessory to any dwelling use, 14 feet, not exceeding one story.
      (3)    For any other non-residential building or their structure, 35 feet, except that such height may be increased to a maximum of 65 feet provided that for every foot of height in excess of 35 feet there shall be added to each yard requirement one corresponding foot of depth or width.
   (F)   Additional performance standards.
      (1)   All commercial landscaping and construction equipment permitted for non-residential uses shall be contained in an enclosed building which shall be constructed of a finished building material. In cases where it is not possible to contain equipment within a building storage of such equipment shall comply with screening requirements for high impact non-residential use.
      (2)   Non-residential uses allowed in this district shall not store bulk storage of hazardous substances, construction materials, construction vehicles or heavy equipment on sites less than five acres in area. Such storage shall be completely indoors and shall be located at least 30 feet from any adjacent residential lot line.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)