(A)   Manufactured housing parks in existence on February 18, 2020, may be altered to bring such parks into greater conformity with this subchapter upon approval of a provisional use in accordance with this subchapter. Such developments may be exempted from some of the design standards in this subchapter upon demonstrating that as many of the nonconforming elements as possible have been brought into compliance. In no case, however, shall an existing manufactured housing development be altered to increase the nonconformity for any standard or increase density above that permissible in this subchapter.
   (B)   Additions made to manufactured housing parks in existence on February 18, 2020, shall only be allowed in conformity with the provisional use approval and design requirements of this subchapter.
   (C)   Manufactured housing parks in existence on February 18, 2020 and at least three acres in area and which do not make any alterations or additions, may continue to operate without a provisional use permit. Such manufactured housing developments less than three acres in size shall be considered nonconforming uses and shall comply with the requirements in §§ 154.230 through 154.234.
   (D)   If any site in a manufactured housing park is designed to accommodate a single-wide unit, it shall not be replaced by a double-wide unit unless all applicable setbacks and area requirements for a double-wide unit are met and the stand is modified to accept the double-wide unit. The modification of a site or combination of two sites to make this change shall be considered a minor amendment to the provisional use.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)