§ 154.170 GENERAL.
   (A)   Purpose.
      (1)   These regulations for planned unit developments for residential uses offer an alternative method for developing land. This alternative allows flexibility in applying certain zoning standards. Such flexibility requires a review process and development plan to safeguard health, safety, and welfare concerns.In exchange for flexibility, Planned unit developments are required through traditional zoning techniques. These requirements are designed to offset the impact of changes in development standards allowed through these provisions such as increased densities, mixed land uses and reduced setbacks. The planned unit development designation acts as an overlay zone. With this approach, the overall intensity of a development is consistent with the underlying zoning district and Land Use Plan.
      (2)   The planned unit development regulations should have the following outcomes:
         (a)   Allow flexibility that is not available through standards and restrictions contained elsewhere in this chapter.
         (b)   Promote more efficient use of land.
         (c)   Incorporate site features such as topography, views, vegetation, water features, and other factors into the design so they become assets to the development.
         (d)   Provide additional amenities that would not otherwise be required under conventional zoning.
         (e)   Promote building styles and architectural styles that complement one another.
         (f)   Allow a mix of uses that are designed to negate potential conflicts that normally occur between incompatible land uses.
         (g)   Promote the most efficient arrangement of circulation systems, land use, and buildings.
         (h)   Promote environmentally sensitive developments.
         (i)   Allow development, under a specifically approved design concept and site plan, which otherwise may not be permitted by this chapter.
   (B)   Zoning. Planned unit developments for residential uses are permitted in District R-4 by right, and may be permitted as a provisional use in the AG-l, RS, and R-3 Districts. Refer to § 154.025, Table 154.025: Use Table.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)