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   For every building or other structure erected or used for any use permitted use in this district every lot shall have:
   (A)   Lot requirements. Minimum lot areas and widths shall reflect the requirements of the underlying district.
   (B)   Setbacks. Minimum setbacks shall reflect the requirements of the underlying district.
   (C)   Floor area ratio. Maximum FAR shall reflect the requirements of the underlying district.
   (D)   Open space ratio. Maximum OSR shall reflect the requirements of the underlying district.
   (E)   Maximum height. Maximum height shall reflect the requirements of the underlying district.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)
§ 154.170 GENERAL.
   (A)   Purpose.
      (1)   These regulations for planned unit developments for residential uses offer an alternative method for developing land. This alternative allows flexibility in applying certain zoning standards. Such flexibility requires a review process and development plan to safeguard health, safety, and welfare concerns.In exchange for flexibility, Planned unit developments are required through traditional zoning techniques. These requirements are designed to offset the impact of changes in development standards allowed through these provisions such as increased densities, mixed land uses and reduced setbacks. The planned unit development designation acts as an overlay zone. With this approach, the overall intensity of a development is consistent with the underlying zoning district and Land Use Plan.
      (2)   The planned unit development regulations should have the following outcomes:
         (a)   Allow flexibility that is not available through standards and restrictions contained elsewhere in this chapter.
         (b)   Promote more efficient use of land.
         (c)   Incorporate site features such as topography, views, vegetation, water features, and other factors into the design so they become assets to the development.
         (d)   Provide additional amenities that would not otherwise be required under conventional zoning.
         (e)   Promote building styles and architectural styles that complement one another.
         (f)   Allow a mix of uses that are designed to negate potential conflicts that normally occur between incompatible land uses.
         (g)   Promote the most efficient arrangement of circulation systems, land use, and buildings.
         (h)   Promote environmentally sensitive developments.
         (i)   Allow development, under a specifically approved design concept and site plan, which otherwise may not be permitted by this chapter.
   (B)   Zoning. Planned unit developments for residential uses are permitted in District R-4 by right, and may be permitted as a provisional use in the AG-l, RS, and R-3 Districts. Refer to § 154.025, Table 154.025: Use Table.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)
   (A)   Pre-application conference.
      (1)   Prior to the preparation of a formal application for a major planned development, the applicant shall meet with the Planning and Zoning Board to discuss the proposed development. The Plat Officer shall inform the applicant of the village's plans and policies which may affect the development, the specific requirements for planned developments, and the procedures involved in submitting an application for a planned development.
      (2)   The Plat Officer may request the applicant to conduct a public information meeting about the project and provide notice to neighborhood groups.
      (3)   A pre-application conference is not required for a minor planned development, but may be scheduled at the applicant's or Plat Officer's request.
Submission requirements for a pre-application conference are contained in Table 154-1: Application Checklist for Planned Developments.
   (B)   Preliminary plan application requirements.
Preliminary plan review by the Planning and Zoning Board and review and approval by the Village Board is required for minor and major planned developments. Application requirements for a preliminary plan are contained in Table 154-1: Application Checklist for Planned Developments. Ten copies of all documentation should be submitted with the exception of the application form and fee.
   (C)   Planned development documents. In addition to the application requirements in Table 154-1: Application Checklist for Planned Developments , the application shall include the following information:
      (1)   Common address and legal description of subject property.
      (2)   A general description of the project and how the proposal relates to the purpose statements at the beginning of this subchapter.
      (3)   Present and proposed zoning, (if applicable).
      (4)   A list of conditions for future development, site plan review criteria, design features, required improvements, and other standards specific to the proposal that should be incorporated in the final plan.
      (5)   A list of any waivers or items required of the village which are part of the proposal.
      (6)   Any elements of the planned development which are based on any flexible requirements which are permitted in this subchapter.
      (7)   The most recent site plan, landscape development plan, and project data that have been submitted for approval, and any other exhibits, architectural drawings, or plans that document the development proposal being reviewed by Planning and Zoning Board.
      (8)   If the applicant intends to sell or lease all or a portion of the planned development after the project is approved, the application shall contain a statement indicating this intent. If applicable, the conditions of sale and maintenance of such developed properties shall be described and shall include a general description of any deed restriction, covenants, or other similar agreements.
      (9)   A description of the guarantee or covenants of ownership to be used for maintenance of any common open space.
      (10)   A development schedule indicating the proposed time frame for construction and improvements.
   (D)   Preliminary plan approval.
      (1)   Upon receipt of the application and supporting documents, the Planning and Zoning Board shall conduct a public hearing. Such hearings may be continued for purposes of revising the submitted application, or other documentation.
      (2)   The Planning and Zoning Board shall review the proposed planned development. The Commission shall make a determination on whether the following criteria have been met:
         (a)   The proposal advances the purpose statements of this subchapter.
         (b)   The proposal meets the minimum development requirements of this subchapter.
         (c)   The proposal adequately and appropriately incorporates the design guidelines in § 154.173 that are appropriate to the type of development being proposed.
      (3)   The proposed zoning is consistent with the Land Use Plan and is in the best interest of the public.
      (4)   Within 30 days after completion of the hearing, the Planning and Zoning Board shall forward its recommendation to the Village Board.
      (5)   The Village Board shall approve or deny the preliminary plan, based on the review criteria listed for Planning and Zoning Board review. Approval of the preliminary plan by the Village Board shall expire after 12 months, unless the final plan application is filed within 12 months of Board approval.
   (E)   Final plan application requirements. Final plan approval is required for all planned developments. Within 12 months following the approval of a preliminary plan by the Village Board, the applicant shall file for final plan approval. Requirements for final plan applications are contained in Table 154-2: Specifications for Required Plans and Drawings. Ten copies of all documentation should be submitted with the exception of the application form, fee, and preliminary plan.
   (F)   Final plan approval.
      (1)   Upon submittal of the final plan application, the Plat Officer shall review the application to determine if the final plan meets the requirements of the preliminary plan.
      (2)   If any requirement is absent or has been modified in the final plan application, or if new waivers are requested, the final plan application shall be referred to the Planning and Zoning Board. If the final plan conforms to the preliminary plan and no new waivers are requested, the final plan shall be referred directly to Village Board.
      (3)   The Planning and Zoning Board shall review the submitted documents and ascertain whether or not the final plans substantially conform with the purpose and intent of the approval preliminary plan and other provisions of this subchapter. Upon review of the final plan, the Planning and Zoning Board shall forward the final plan and supporting documents to the Village Board along with its recommendation.
      (4)   The final plan shall be presented to the Village Board to accept or reject within 30 days following Planning and Zoning Board action. If the plan is approved by the Village Board and the Village Attorney, upon direction of the application, shall deliver for recording all dedications, covenants, and such other documents as may be required by this subchapter to the Recorder's Office or other escrow agent for recording, but only after all documents and bonds required of this subchapter have been tendered to the village in satisfactory form.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)
   (A)   Performance schedule. The applicant shall conform to the development schedule as approved. If an initial application for a building permit for theplanned development has not been approved within 12 months from the approval of the final development plan, the approval of the final development plan shall lapse and be void and shall no longer be in effect.
   (B)   Site plan review — issuance of building permits. The Zoning Administrator shall approve a building permit within a planned development once the following requirements have been met:
      (1)   For minor planned developments, a site and landscape development plan shall accompany the building permit application. The site and landscape plan shall be prepared in accordance with specifications for a final development plan in Table 154-2: Specifications for Required Plans and Drawings and shall be in conformance with the approved preliminary plan.
      (2)   For major planned developments, the final development plan and landscape plan approved by Village Board satisfies the site plan requirements for the building permit approval process.
      (3)   Evidence that all plans, covenants, bonds, or certificates have been properly recorded and executed shall accompany the permit application.
      (4)   The Zoning Administrator shall review the building permit application and determine if it meets the requirements of the final development plan, the conditions in the planned development, and all other applicable zoning regulations. The Zoning Administrator shall approve the building permit if it meets all requirements, or withhold approval of the building permit and notify the applicant of the reasons why the building permit was denied.
      (5)   A planned development shall be developed according to the approved final development plan. Amendments or modifications to the planned development certificate and final plan are permitted in accordance with this subchapter.
   (C)   Planned development amendments — minor.
      (1)   The Zoning Administrator shall review the application for site plan review and building permits to determine if there are any major or minor amendments. The Zoning Administrator may approve minor amendments to the planned development during the permit review stage. In no case shall an amendment be approved as a minor amendment that permits changes beyond the minimum or maximum requirements set forth in this chapter.
      (2)   Minor amendments include the following:
         (a)   Changes that are expressly provided for in the planned development.
         (b)   Minor changes in the location, siting, and height of the buildings and structures that are not a major amendment as defined below. Such changes may only be authorized if engineering or other physical limitations of the site or building, not reasonably foreseeable at the time the final plan were approved, warrant such a change.
         (c)   Construction of accessory structures less than 600 square feet in area.
   (D)   Planned development amendments — major.
Major amendments may only be made under the procedures that are applicable to the initial approval of a planned development. Unless accounted for in the approved planned development, the following are major amendments:
      (1)   A change in the use or mix of uses in the development based on the percentage of floor or land area designated for a particular use.
      (2)   An increase in overall lot coverage of the structures by more than 10%.
      (3)   An increase in overall ground coverage of structures or density by more than 10%.
      (4)   An increase in more than ten feet in height of any building.
      (5)   A reduction in overall amount of usable open space or a reduction of any area designated as common open space.
      (6)   A reduction in off-street loading and parking spaces by more than 5%.
      (7)   The change in location of any structure by more than ten feet in any direction.
      (8)   A reduction in required street, access drive, or parking lot dimension widths.
      (9)   An overall reduction in the area designated for landscaping treatment in anyone phase by more than 10%.
      (10)   A change in street layout or circulation pattern.
   (E)   Required documents and bonds. The construction and maintenance of all public facilities and improvements which are a part of the planned development shall be bonded for in accordance with the subdivision regulations, and approved prior to the recording of the certificate. Such bonding shall also be required for private drives that provide ingress or egress for more than one structure.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)