For every building or other structure erected or used for any use permitted use in this district every lot shall have:
(A) Lot requirements.
(1) A minimum lot area of not less than 3,500 square feet.
(2) A minimum width at the building line of 25 feet.
(3) No more than 90% of any lot may be covered by buildings.
(B) Setbacks. Setbacks for lots situated adjacent to a residential district shall comply with the buffer yard and screening requirements in this chapter.
(1) Front yards. Zero feet from the right-of-way line.
(2) Side yards.
(a) Where abutting lots have buildings or other structures, employing a common wall, no side yard is required.
(b) On a lot abutting any residential zoning district, there shall be a side yard abutting such district having a width of not less than 12 feet.
(c) All interior lots shall have two side yards, each having a width of not less than five feet, except where party walls are used.
(d) On each corner lot, there shall be a side yard along the side yard not abutting the street having a width of not less than five feet unless the building employs a common party wall with the building on the adjoining lot.
(3) Rear yards.
(a) Where abutting lots have buildings or other structures, employing a common wall, no rear yard is required.
(b) Where the rear lot line abuts an alley, no rear yard is required.
(c) Where the rear lot line does not abut an alley or another building or structure employing a common wall, the rear yard setback shall be ten feet.
(C) Floor area ratio. The maximum FAR for the principal building shall be 4.00.
(D) Maximum height. The maximum height of any building shall not exceed 50 feet not exceeding four stories.
(E) Additional performance standards.
(1) Dwelling units shall be limited to the second story and above.
(2) There shall not be outdoor on-site storage of bulk storage of hazardous substances, construction materials or heavy equipment.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)