§ 154.210 GENERAL.
   (A)   Purpose. This subchapter will provide a buffer between land uses of differing intensity, improve the quality of life by creating a more attractive environment in which to live and work, and promote overall quality of development. This purpose can be achieved by breaking up large expanses of paved areas, screening utilitarian and open storage areas, and providing appropriate buffer yards.
   (B)   Compliance.
      (1)   Any new use of land development of a structure shall provide and maintain landscaping and screening in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter.
      (2)   A change in the character of a use shall require that landscaping and screening in accordance with this subchapter shall be provided and maintained. A change in the character of a use shall include:
         (a)   Any expansion of the use onto additional property that is not part of the lot which the use is situated prior to the expansion.
         (b)   Any expansion of the structure which the use is situated in by more than 25%.
      (3)   Each applicant for a special use, planned development, provisional use, or building permit which requires landscaping, shall include as part of the application a landscaping plan demonstrating compliance with this subchapter.
      (4)   When a parking lot is enlarged, the added area shall comply with the requirements of this subchapter for parking lots. When a parking lot is enlarged by more than 50% in area, both the existing and new portions of the parking lot shall conform with these requirements. The requirement to bring the parking lot into compliance shall not reduce the number of parking spaces below the minimum number of spaces for that use or combination of uses.
   (C)   Landscaping plan required. The landscaping plan may be shown on the required site plan for parking lots, special uses, provisional uses, or building permit applications, or may be submitted as a separate document. A landscaping plan shall be required for planned developments in accordance with §§ 154.170 through 154.176.
   (D)   Contents of a landscaping plan. A landscaping plan shall include a date, north arrow, and common address of the development. The plan shall be drawn to scale and shall include dimensions, property lines, structure setbacks, parking areas and driveways. At a minimum, the following information shall be included on the landscaping plan:
      (1)   Existing plantings and vegetation that will remain and that satisfy the planting requirements of this subchapter.
      (2)   The location of trees, shrubs, and ground cover to be planted with appropriate labels as to type of landscaping that correspond with the plant lists.
      (3)   Plant lists with the botanical and common names, and the size of all plant material at the time of planting.
      (4)   Any required walls, fences, or berms being erected or installed to meet the requirements of this subchapter.
   (E)   Amendments to the landscaping plan. If there is no significant change in the quantity, size, or location of plant material and if new plants are of the same general category and have the same general design characteristics as the materials to be replaced, no modification of the landscaping plan is required. Replacement material must be from the approved plant list in the village's tree ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)