(A)   Automobile salvage yards.
      (1)   If there is crushing or demolition of any automobile or vehicle, no such use shall be located within 50 feet of any residential district. If there is only dismantling, disassembly, or storage, these uses shall not be located within 300 feet of a residential district.
      (2)   The area used for an outdoor storage site shall be enclosed by an opaque screen fence of not less than eight feet in height. These shall be no outdoor storage between the fence and the street.
   (B)   Recycling centers and waste haulers.
      (1)   The processing of materials shall be completely indoors.
      (2)   No solid waste may be stored on-site.
      (3)   Any recyclable or related materials to be stored outdoors shall be stored in containers, dumpsters, or similar apparatus that can be covered when not in use. Any outside storage area for recyclable materials or processed materials shall be enclosed by a minimum eight-foot high opaque fence or solid wall.
      (4)   Screen requirements for said use shall be equal to Type E screening in the front yard.
Screening in the side and rear yard shall only be required with the use adjacent to the property is a less intense use that would normally require screening.
      (5)   Parking and storage of all vehicles related to the business shall be on approved surfaces.
      (6)   Such use shall be located a minimum of 400 feet from any lot in a residential zoning district.
      (7)   Such use shall provide the Zoning Administrator with evidence that it has complied with all federal and state licenses, certifications, and other regulations.
      (8)   There shall be a plan for regular shipping or reprocessing of recyclable materials, such that the size of the storage yard is minimum in relationship to the amount of recyclable materials estimated to be received. In no event shall recyclable materials remain on-site for a period exceeding one year. This plan shall be part of the provisional plan approval.
      (9)   Any drop-off areas for recyclable materials shall meet the stacking requirements for drive through uses. Each dumpster is equivalent to a drive through window. Any dumpsters for drop-off materials must be screened on three sides by an eight-foot high opaque fence or solid wall.
   (C)   Adult entertainment uses.
      (1)   No building shall be constructed or developed for the purposes of operating an adult entertainment use included but not limited to adult bookstore, adult cabaret and an adult motion picture theater unless a provisional use permit has been granted by the Planning and Zoning Board.
      (2)   Any place of business which changes so as to be considered an adult entertainment use may not operate without first obtaining a provisional use permit from the Planning and Zoning Board.
   (D)   Livestock sales facilities and stockyards in the AG-1 and I-1 Districts.
      (1)   No livestock sales facilities and stockyards shall be located within 500 feet from an adjoining property line of a non-agricultural or non-industrial district.
      (2)   All livestock facilities and stockyards shall be screened on four sides by a Type F screen, as defined in §§ 154.210 through 154.214.
   (E)   Animal clinics, kennels and veterinary hospitals.
      (1)   The outdoor facilities for the care and keeping of animals at animal clinics, kennels, and veterinary hospitals shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from the property lines of any adjoining residential district.
      (2)   All outdoor facilities for the care and keeping of animals at animal clinics, kennels, and veterinary hospitals shall be screened on four sides by a Type A screen, as defined in §§ 154.210 through 154.214.
   (F)   Freestanding telecommunication towers.
      (1)   If a freestanding telecommunication tower is allowed by right, the tower must meet the applicable building setback requirements for the zoning district.
      (2)   A tower within 300 feet of a residentially zoned parcel, must be setback from that parcel a minimum distance of one and one-half times the height of the tower.
      (3)   No tower shall be constructed on a lot between the front building line and right-of-way or in the required front yard setback on a lot that is not improved with a building.
      (4)   The type and height of tower shall be restricted based on the maximum height in this zoning district.
      (5)   All towers must provide the degree of screening based on their proximity to residentially zoned parcels as described in §§ 154.210 through 154.214.
      (6)   Co-location on an existing tower shall be allowed by right given that the height of the tower is not changed.
      (7)   A tower constructed completely within an existing building shall be allowed by right.
      (8)   An array constructed on top of or attached to an existing building shall be allowed by right given that the overall height of the building from grade to the top of the array is not increased by more than 15 feet.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)