All districts should be located in areas with water and sewer capacity and have access to other utilities adequate for the needs based on the intensity of the permitted uses.
(B) All districts should be located in appropriate service areas for fire and police protection.
(C) All districts should be located to minimize negative environmental impacts including flooding, groundwater tables and other factors.
(D) All districts should be located in general conformance to the Comprehensive Plan.
(E) The locations and boundaries of the districts established by this chapter are shown upon the Zoning Map, which are hereby incorporated into the provisions of this chapter. The said Zoning Map in its entirety, including all amendments thereto, shall be as much a part of this chapter as if fully set forth and described herein.
(F) Where a district boundary line divides a lot held in single and separate ownership at the effective day of this chapter, the regulations applicable to the less restricted district shall extend over the portion of the lot in the more restricted district a distance of not more than 50 feet beyond the district boundary line, provided that full use is made of the less restricted area before the extension into the more restricted area.
(G) The use of right-of-way and easements for highways, streets, alleys, walks, railroads, electric power lines, telephone lines, watermains, sanitary sewers and storm drains, whether belonging to a governmental body or a public utility, shall be considered to be permitted uses in each district. However, installation shall conform to applicable federal, state and local government rules and regulations other than zoning.
(H) The village shall be permitted the right to use land in any district for a fire station, municipal building, police station and/or public building, swimming pool, recreation building, civic center, municipal office building, park, playground area, any other use deemed for the public good.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)
(A) Lot requirements.
(1) Substandard lots established prior to adoption of chapter.
(a) In any district, a new building or structure for any of the uses permitted in the respective districts may not be erected on a single lot of record (on February 18, 2020) or a combination of lots or portions of lots of record (on February 18, 2020) which has less than the minimum lot area or minimum width specified for the respective district.
(b) If two or more lots, or combinations of lots and portions of lots, with continuous frontage in single ownership are of record as of February 18, 2020, and if all or part of the lots do not meet the requirements established for lot width and area in their particular zoning district, the lands involved shall be considered an undivided parcel for the purpose of this chapter. No portion of said undivided parcel shall be used or sold in a manner which diminishes compliance with that district's lot width and area requirements established by this chapter, or shall any division of any parcel be made which creates a lot with width or area below the requirements stated in this chapter.
(2) Combination and division of zoning lots.
(a) Two or more lots may be combined to create a single zoning lot. Such lots shall be under the same ownership at the time of zoning approval for any structure on the zoning lot. Upon construction of such improvements, the zoning lot shall be considered one lot.
(b) No improved zoning lot shall hereafter be divided into two or more zoning lots and no portion of any improved zoning lot shall be sold, unless all zoning lots resulting from each such division or sale shall conform with all standards for buildings on a lot and have met the requirements of this chapter.
(3) Principal structures on a lot.
(a) Every principal structure hereafter erected or structurally altered shall be located on a zoning lot, and in no residential district shall there be more than one principal structure on one zoning lot, except as provided for elsewhere in this chapter.
(b) In the event that a lot is to be occupied by a group of two or more related principal structures to be used for multi-family dwellings, institutional, or hotel purposes; there may be more than one principal structure on the zoning lot when adequate open space is provided between all buildings in accordance with the open space standards in this chapter.
(c) For all industrial lots abutting residential districts, unless authorized by special exception, in no case shall any building or structure be erected closer than 100 feet to any residential district, or shall any parking area be closer than 40 feet to any residential district, for which said 40 feet shall be maintained as a green area covered entirely by grass, shrubs, and/or trees.
(4) Provisions for common-lot-line dwelling units.
(a) The fee simple transfer of ownership of that portion of a lot improved with a rowhouse, townhouse, or duplex for the purpose of establishing separate ownership of common-lot-line dwelling units shall constitute a subdivision and shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(b) After a subdivision containing or used for common-lot-line dwellings has been recorded, the lots shall be used exclusively for common-lot-line dwelling units and for no other type of development. Any change in the use of said platted lot(s) from common-lot-line dwellings shall require approval of a new subdivision plat.
(c) All fee simple transfers of ownership that were recorded prior to the adoption of this chapter shall be deemed to be legal and conforming uses and shall not require any further approval of a subdivision plat to be established as common-lot-line dwelling units.
(d) Subdivisions which contain common-lot-line dwelling units shall be subject to and comply with the standards set forth in this chapter, except as provided in division (D)(5) below. Each lot which contains a common-lot-line dwelling unit shall be considered separate and independent from adjoining common-lot-line dwelling units for the purpose of calculating Floor Area Ratio (FAR), Open Space Ratio (OSR), front yards, and rear yards.
(5) Standards for common-lot-line dwelling units or townhouse lots.
(a) In the R-3 and R-4 Districts, where a common-lot-line structure is constructed for sale, with each unit on an individual lot, for individual ownership, such common-lot-line dwelling is subject to the standards for principal buildings as described in this subchapter, except that no side yard setback is required for the interior portion of a lot for a common-lot-line structure.
(b) In the R-4 District, where townhouse and rowhouse buildings are permitted and one of these structures is constructed for sale, with each unit on an individual lot, to individual owners, such structures shall not be subject to the minimum lot area per dwelling unit requirements of § 154.110, but instead shall be subject to the following minimum requirements:
1. A townhouse or common-lot-line dwelling shall be developed on a subdivided lot with no more than seven dwelling units per structure. No structure shall exceed 150 feet in length.
2. Minimum lot area per unit shall be not less than 1,800 square feet and shall have a minimum frontage on a public street of not less than 20 feet.
3. Front yard. On a lot containing a townhouse or rowhouse there shall be a front yard of not less than 20 feet.
4. Side yard. On a lot containing a townhouse or rowhouse, no side yards shall be required for interior lots. Exterior lots at the end of each structure shall have a side yard setback of not less than six feet and shall have a minimum distance between structures of not less than 12 feet.
5. Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard which has an area of at least 650 square feet for each unit in the townhouse or rowhouse.
(B) Projections and encroachments into yards.
Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, no building or structure, portion of any building, structure, or mechanical equipment shall be erected in, occupy, or obstruct a required front, rear, or side yard except for the following:
(1) Cornices, sills, eaves, and other ornamental features may encroach to a distance of not more than two feet six inches, but in no case less than four feet from a side lot line.
(2) (a) Fire escapes to a distance of not more than four feet six inches, or enclosed fire escapes, and enclosed balconies leading from fire towers in required rear yards, when such projection is not more than ten feet when the main structure was built prior to the effective date of this chapter.
(b) On all structures for which a building permit is issued on or after February 18, 2020, this encroachment or projection shall not be permitted.
(3) Uncovered stairways and necessary landings, to a distance of not more than four feet six inches, provided that each stair and landing shall not extend above the entrance floor of the building.
(a) The railing may exceed three feet in height above the landing.
(b) The stairway or landing may be covered, but not enclosed, if the covering does not exceed one-third of the length of the building wall on which it is located.
(c) This provision is only applicable when the main structure was built prior to February 18, 2020.
(d) On all structures for which a building permit is issued on or after February 18, 2020, this encroachment or projection shall not be permitted.
(4) Bay windows and chimneys to a distance of not more than three feet, provided that such features do not occupy, in the aggregate, more than one-third of the length of the building wall on which they are located, and provided, further, that in no case shall a bay window or chimney project into a required side yard be more than one-third of such yard.
(5) An unenclosed porch, not more than 14 feet in height, may be erected to extend into a required front or rear yard at a distance of not more than ten feet, provided that in no case shall it extend into such front or rear yards more than one-half of the required depth of the yard.
(6) A porte cochere may be erected over a driveway in a required side yard, provided that such structure is:
(a) Not more than 14 feet in height and 20 feet in length, and
(b) Entirely open on at least two sides, exclusive of the necessary supporting columns and customary architectural features, and
(c) Side yards remain as set forth in the district regulations.
(7) Driveways, walks, fences, and underground structures.
(8) Concrete, asphaltic concrete, or all weather surfaces on yards except as otherwise permitted herein. If the yard to be surfaced is a required front or side yard, then the surface must be so located or constructed that an automobile cannot be driven or cannot project upon it from a driveway, parking space, street, or alley.
(9) Flag poles, clothes lines, trellises, bird houses and the like.
(10) Decks may be constructed in a rear yard (not in a front or side yard) provided that their elevation is not higher than the first floor elevation of the principal structure, and may extend into any required rear yard up to a maximum distance of 50% of that required rear yard.
(11) Open unenclosed porches, that is, porches which may have roofs and mesh screening, but which are not glassed in or otherwise walled or enclosed above a height of two and one-half feet above the porch floor, may be constructed in a rear yard (not in a front or side yard) to a distance of ten feet into said rear yard, but not within ten feet of the lot line. The elevation of the porch floor shall not be higher than the first floor elevation of the principal structure.
(C) Standards for accessory structures.
(1) In any district, accessory structures, including private garages, and uses which do not involve the conduct of a business, if attached to the principal structure, may be erected in any space other than a required yard.
(2) When an accessory or structure is detached from the principal building, it shall be separated by a minimum distance of three feet.
(a) With the exception of corner lots, no detached accessory building or structure shall be located less than 60 feet from the front lot line. In the event of a corner lot, an accessory structure must be placed in the rear yard, with a setback from the second property line abutting a public street equal to or greater than the setback for the principal structure abutting the public street.
(b) If a detached accessory structure is to be located on a lot containing a one- or two-family dwelling, the aggregate area of all accessory structures shall not exceed 750 square feet in area. Maximum height shall not exceed 14 feet.
(c) For accessory buildings in the CN District, the maximum height shall not exceed 14 feet. For accessory buildings in CB and I-1 Districts, the height standards for principal buildings on a lot shall apply.
(3) Where mutual ownership of a private garage existing prior to February 18, 2020, the joint garage can be repaired or enlarged without regard to the side yard setback provisions subject to the following conditions:
(a) The garage shall only be for private use.
(b) There is mutual written consent for continuance or enlargement filed with the Zoning Administrator which is signed by all owners.
(4) Swimming pools not located within a building:
(a) The use of such pools shall be restricted to occupants of the principal use and guests for whom no admission or membership fees are charged.
(b) If accessory to a non-residential use, the edge of the pool shall be located not less than 100 feet from any lot line.
(c) If accessory to a residential use, the edge of the pool shall be located not less than ten feet from any lot line.
(d) Illumination of such pools shall be limited to underwater lighting. Swimming pool clubs are not considered accessory uses.
(e) All swimming pools constructed under this division (C)(4) shall be completely enclosed by a protective wall, fence or other barrier. The entire barrier, including doors and gates, shall be at least six feet high measured on the inside and outside, shall not provide ready footing for climbing, and shall prevent passage through it. Fences for above ground swimming pools that are attached to the pool deck or pool sidewalls shall extend to at least six feet above the adjoining ground. The enclosure shall be in general accord with Section 820.200, General Design Requirements, of Title 77 Part 820 of the Illinois Administrative Code, Illinois Swimming Pool and Bathing Beach Code.
(D) Visibility triangle setback. Where a lot is located at the intersection of two or more streets, no parking or structure of any kind shall be located within the visibility triangle, except in the CB District. Landscaping in this area shall either be shrubs at a height of three feet or less or deciduous trees from the list in the village's tree ordinance, with branches having a clearance of six feet.
(E) Front yard average setback. Except as otherwise specified, in any residential zoning district, the front yard may be reduced to a setback equal to the average alignment of structures on the same side of the street upon meeting the following conditions:
(1) Fifty-one percent or more of the lots on the same side of the street, within the same block, are improved with residential buildings.
(2) Seventy-five percent of the residential buildings extend into the required front yard.
(3) No structure shall project beyond the average alignment of structures on the same side of the street, within the same block, and within 200 feet.
(4) No structure shall project beyond the shortest depth of existing front yards on the lots abutting on each side.
(F) Special yard requirements for certain lots of records.
(1) Lot width for comer lots recorded prior to February 18, 2020. Lots of record as of February 18, 2020 do not have to provide the additional lot width required for corner lots.
(2) Corner lots established prior to February 18, 2020. Lots of record as of February 28, 2020 shall comply with the following regulations:
(a) For corner lots which were a legal lot of record on February 18, 2020 and which are located in a R-l District, a side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall have a width of not less than 15 feet.
(b) In the R-2, R-3, and R-4 Districts, a side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall have a width of not less than ten feet, except where such lot abuts in the rear either directly or across an alley, a lot in an R-l District, in which case the side yard on the street side of the corner lot shall be not less than 15 feet.
(3) Application of development standards to specific uses. The following development standards shall apply:
(a) Religious institutions and schools in the residential districts shall meet the side yard and landscape setback buffer requirements of an R-4 District.
(b) Hospitals, nursing homes, and lodges shall meet the side yard and landscape setback requirements of a non-residential land use in the applicable district in which it is located.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)
(A) In any district, no land or structure shall be used, and no structure or building shall hereafter be erected or structurally altered, except for:
(1) One or more of the uses listed as permitted by right in that district in Table 154.025;
(2) One or more of the provisional uses listed for that district in Table 154.025, provided that the provisional use permit therefor has been issued, according to this chapter;
(3) One or more of the special uses listed for that district in Table 154.025, provided that a special use permit therefor has been issued, according to this chapter.
(B) In the case of a use not specifically mentioned in Table 154.025, such a use shall be subject to the regulations of the use (whether permitted by right, a provisional use, or special use) to which it is most related or similar, as determined by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator may determine that such a use is either permitted by right, permitted as a provisional use, permitted as a special use, or not permitted in any particular district.
(C) In Table 154.025, the uses listed in a horizontal row with the letter "X" are permitted by right as the principal use in the district listed at the head of the vertical column in which the letter "X" appears. Similarly, the letter "P" indicates that the use is permitted as a provisional use in that district, and the letter "S" indicates that the use is permitted as a special use in that district, all subject to the regulations and procedures specified in this chapter.
(D) In any zoning district, more than one principal building per lot or parcel of land may be allowed under the provisional use procedures, providing they meet the following criteria:
(1) The uses are permitted by right (X) or as a provisional use (P) in the district in which the lot or parcel of land is located.
(2) The lot or parcel of land does not qualify as a residential, commercial or industrial PUD.
(E) In the CB, CN, and PL Districts, more than one principal use may be allowed in a single building, with the approval of the Zoning Administrator, if the uses are permitted by right (X) within the district in which the lot or parcel of land is located.
X= Permitted by Right | S= Special Use | P= Provisional | |||||||||
Agricultural Uses | AG-1 | RS | R-1 | R-2 | R-3 | R-4 | R-5 | CB | CN | I-1 | PL |
X= Permitted by Right | S= Special Use | P= Provisional | |||||||||
Agricultural Uses | AG-1 | RS | R-1 | R-2 | R-3 | R-4 | R-5 | CB | CN | I-1 | PL |
Agriculture, general and cropping | X | X | X | X | X | P | P | P | |||
Alternative energy farm (solar, wind, etc.) | X | ||||||||||
Artificial lake of one or more acres | X | P | P | P | P | P | |||||
Commercial greenhouse | P | P | P | P | P | ||||||
Garden shop | X | X | X | ||||||||
Marijuana growth center | X | ||||||||||
Mineral extraction, quarrying, top-soil removal and allied activities | |||||||||||
Plant nursery | X | P | |||||||||
Residential Uses | |||||||||||
Bed and breakfast | P | P | P | P | P | P | |||||
Dormitory | P | P | P | ||||||||
Dwelling, multi-family | X | ||||||||||
Dwelling, two-unit common-lot-line | X | X | |||||||||
Dwelling, multiple-unit common-lot-line | X | ||||||||||
Dwelling, community living facility, Category I | P | P | P | X | |||||||
Dwelling, community living facility, Category II | P | P | P | X | |||||||
Dwelling, community living facility, Category III | P | P | P | P | |||||||
Dwelling, duplex | X | X | |||||||||
Dwelling, single-family | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
Fraternity/sorority | |||||||||||
Home for the aged | P | P | P | ||||||||
Hotel or motel | P | P | P | P | |||||||
Mobile home park | P | P | |||||||||
Residential care facilities | P | P | P | ||||||||
Residential planned unit development | P | P | P | X | |||||||
Tiny homes | X | ||||||||||
Apartment in building occupied by another permitted use | P | X | X | P | P | ||||||
Accessory apartment (mother-in-law suite, granny flat, etc.) | P | P | P | P | X | X | |||||
Adult entertainment | P | P | |||||||||
Video gaming | P | P | P | ||||||||
Commercial Uses — Agriculture | AG-1 | RS | R- 1 | R- 2 | R- 3 | R- 4 | R- 5 | CB | CN | I-1 | PL |
Farm chemicals and fertilizer sales | P | X | |||||||||
Farm equipment sales and service | P | X | |||||||||
Farmers market | X | X | X | X | |||||||
Feed and grain (sales only) | P | X | X | ||||||||
Grain storage and elevator bins | P | X | |||||||||
Livestock sales facility and stockyards | P | P | |||||||||
Marijuana sales and distribution | |||||||||||
Roadside produce sales stand | P | P | |||||||||
Slaughterhouses | S | ||||||||||
Commercial Uses — Business, Private Educational and Financial Services | |||||||||||
Automatic teller machines | X | X | X | ||||||||
Bank, savings and loan association | X | P | P | ||||||||
Conference center | P | P | P | ||||||||
Day care facility | P | P | P | P | P | P | |||||
Professional and business office buildings | X | X | P | ||||||||
Vocational, trade or business school | P | P | P | ||||||||
Accessory office | X | P | P | P | X | X | |||||
Commercial Uses — Food Sales and Services | |||||||||||
Bakery (less than 2,500 sq. ft.) | X | X | P | ||||||||
Bakery (greater than 2,500 sq. ft.) | X | ||||||||||
Café | X | X | |||||||||
Catering | X | X | |||||||||
Confectionery store | X | X | |||||||||
Dairy store | X | X | |||||||||
Fast-food restaurant | P | P | |||||||||
Locker, cold storage for individual use | P | P | P | ||||||||
Meal and fish market | X | X | |||||||||
Restaurant | X | X | |||||||||
Retail liquor sales | X | X | |||||||||
Supermarket or grocery store | X | X | P | ||||||||
Tavern or night club | P | P | |||||||||
Wholesale produce terminal | P | X | |||||||||
Commercial Uses — Miscellaneous | AG-1 | RS | R- 1 | R- 2 | R- 3 | R- 4 | R- 5 | CB | CN | I-1 | PL |
Animal clinic | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | ||||
Auction sales (nonanimal) | P | P | |||||||||
Aviation sales, service or storage | P | X | X | ||||||||
Cemetery | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||||
Commercial breeding facility or feed lot | S | ||||||||||
Construction yard | X | ||||||||||
Crematory | X | X | |||||||||
Crematory, pets | P | P | X | X | |||||||
Donation boxes | X | P | X | ||||||||
Funeral home | X | X | |||||||||
Kennel | P | P | |||||||||
Print shop, blueprinting and photocopying establishments | X | X | |||||||||
Radio or TV studio | X | X | |||||||||
Shopping center - general | P | P | |||||||||
Shopping center - convenience | P | P | |||||||||
Storage and sales of lumber building materials and builders’ supplies | P | X | |||||||||
Veterinary hospital - large animal | P | P | P | P | |||||||
Veterinary hospital - small animal | P | P | P | P | P | ||||||
Warehouse larger than 100,000 square feet | X | ||||||||||
Warehouse less than 100,000 square feet | X | ||||||||||
Warehouse - mini | P | P | P | X | |||||||
Wholesale business | P | X | |||||||||
Commercial Uses — Personal Services | |||||||||||
Ambulance service | X | X | X | ||||||||
Barber shop | X | X | |||||||||
Beauty shop | X | X | |||||||||
Dry cleaning or laundry establishment | X | X | |||||||||
Home occupation | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
Laundry and/or dry cleaning pickup | X | X | X | ||||||||
Physical therapy center | P | P | |||||||||
Medical carrier service | X | X | |||||||||
Mortuary | X | X | |||||||||
Commercial Uses — Personal Services | AG-1 | RS | R- 1 | R- 2 | R- 3 | R- 4 | R- 5 | CB | CN | I-1 | PL |
Reducing salon | X | X | |||||||||
Self-service laundry | X | X | |||||||||
Shoe repair shop | X | X | |||||||||
Tailor and pressing shop | X | X | |||||||||
Commercial Uses — Recreational | |||||||||||
Bait sales | P | X | |||||||||
Billiard room | X | ||||||||||
Bowling alley | X | ||||||||||
Camp or picnic area | P | ||||||||||
Country club or golf course | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||||
Dancing school | X | ||||||||||
Garden shop | P | P | X | X | |||||||
Health club | X | X | X | ||||||||
Lodge or private club | X | X | X | ||||||||
Lodge - fraternal | X | X | X | ||||||||
Outdoor commercial recreation enterprise (except amusement park) | P | ||||||||||
Private club or lounge | P | X | X | X | |||||||
Private indoor recreational development | X | X | X | ||||||||
Resort or organized camp | P | ||||||||||
Riding stable | P | ||||||||||
Seasonal hunting or fishing lodge | P | ||||||||||
Theater, indoor | P | P | X | ||||||||
Theater, outdoor | P | ||||||||||
Swim clubs | P | P | P | X | X | ||||||
Commercial Uses — Retail Trade | |||||||||||
Antique or used furniture sales and service | X | ||||||||||
Apparel shop | X | X | |||||||||
Art and craft stores and studios | X | X | |||||||||
Bicycle sales and service | X | X | |||||||||
Bookstore | X | X | |||||||||
Building material sales (all indoors excluding concrete or asphalt mixing) | X | X | |||||||||
Department store | X | ||||||||||
Drugstore | X | X | |||||||||
Electrical or gas appliance sales and service | X | X | |||||||||
Electronic sales and services | X | X | |||||||||
Fire wood (sales only) | P | P | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | ||
Florist | X | X | |||||||||
Fuel oil (sales only) | P | P | X | P | |||||||
Furniture store - office equipment sales and service | X | ||||||||||
Hardware store | X | X | |||||||||
Heating, ventilating, air conditioning sales and service | X | X | X | ||||||||
Home appliance sales and service | X | ||||||||||
Ice (sales only) | X | X | X | ||||||||
Jewelry store | X | X | |||||||||
Lawnmower sales and service | X | ||||||||||
Monument sales (excludes stone cutting) | X | ||||||||||
Music store | X | X | |||||||||
Pawn shop | X | ||||||||||
Pet store | X | ||||||||||
Photographic studio and equipment sales and service | X | X | |||||||||
Plumbing shop (retail) | X | X | X | ||||||||
Shoe store | X | X | |||||||||
Sporting goods | X | ||||||||||
Stationery - gift shop - art supplies | X | X | |||||||||
Tobacconist | X | X | |||||||||
Variety - dry goods store | X | X | |||||||||
Video store | X | X | |||||||||
Woodworking shop | X | X | |||||||||
Upholstering | X | X | |||||||||
Commercial Uses — Transportation | |||||||||||
Air freight terminal | P | P | |||||||||
Airport | P | X | |||||||||
Heliport | P | P | |||||||||
Motor bus station | X | X | X | X | |||||||
Railroad yards and railroad freight terminals | X | X | |||||||||
Truck terminals, truck wash | P | ||||||||||
Commercial Uses — Vehicular Sales and Service | AG-1 | RS | R-1 | R-2 | R-3 | R-4 | R-5 | CB | CN | I-1 | PL |
Automobile, truck, trailer or boat sales | X | X | P | ||||||||
Automobile salvage yard (junkyard) | P | ||||||||||
Automobile repair, major | X | P | |||||||||
Automobile repair, minor, limited to two per lot | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
Automobile accessories (new) | X | P | |||||||||
Automobile washing facility | X | X | X | ||||||||
Gasoline station w/attached mini market/grocery/restaurant | X | P | X | ||||||||
Gasoline and service station | X | P | P | ||||||||
Mobile home sales | P | X | |||||||||
Truck stop | P | P | |||||||||
Construction equipment sales and rentals, sales lot and/or repair | P | X | |||||||||
Industrial Uses | |||||||||||
Bookbinding | P | P | X | ||||||||
Building paper, paper containers and similar product manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Confectionery products manufacturing and packaging | P | P | X | ||||||||
Cosmetics and toiletries manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Electrical and electronic machinery, equipment and supplies manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Electrical and electronic machinery, equipment and supplies assembly | X | ||||||||||
Engineering, scientific supplies and equipment manufacturing | P | X | |||||||||
Engineering, scientific supplies and equipment assembly | X | ||||||||||
Fabricated metal products manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Food products - canning, preserving or packaging plant | X | ||||||||||
Frozen food processing plant and/or lockers | X | ||||||||||
Grain mill products | X | ||||||||||
Household and office furniture manufacturing | X | X | |||||||||
Industrial Uses | |||||||||||
Jewelry, costume jewelry, novelties, silverware and plated ware manufacturing | X | X | |||||||||
Laboratory for basic applied research | X | ||||||||||
Machinery manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Manufacturing and processing wearing apparel | P | X | |||||||||
Manufacturing and processing of athletic equipment and related products | X | ||||||||||
Mechanical measuring and controlling instruments manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Miscellaneous finished product assembly | X | ||||||||||
Miscellaneous finished product manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Motion picture production studio | P | P | X | ||||||||
Musical instruments and allied products manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Musical instruments and allied products assembly | X | ||||||||||
Non-metallic products manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Nonprofit or governmental, educational and research agencies | P | X | |||||||||
Office and artists materials manufacturing (except paints, inks, dyes, and similar products) | X | ||||||||||
Optical instruments and lenses manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Photographic equipment and supplies manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Printing and publishing plants | X | ||||||||||
Ready mix concrete or asphalt | X | ||||||||||
Sheet metal shop | X | ||||||||||
Signs and advertising display manufacturing | X | X | |||||||||
Storage of building, construction maintenance or operating equipment | X | ||||||||||
Surgical, medical, dental and mortuary instruments and supplies | X | X | |||||||||
Theoretical and applied research, development and prototype assembly | X | ||||||||||
Watches, clocks and clockwork operated devices manufacturing and assembly | X | X | |||||||||
Wood fabricating shop and related activities | P | X | |||||||||
Wool, cotton, silk and manmade fiber manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Bottling works | X | ||||||||||
Carpet manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Ceramic products manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Petroleum bulk plant | X | ||||||||||
Pharmaceutical products manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Toy manufacturing | X | ||||||||||
Welding shop | X | ||||||||||
Public and Quasi-Public Facilities | |||||||||||
Bus storage garage | P | P | P | X | |||||||
Church or temple | X | P | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | X | |
Electrical Substation | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | X |
Hospital or clinic | P | P | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | X | |
Institution of an educational, philanthropic, or eleemosynary nature | P | S | S | S | S | X | X | X | |||
Municipal or government building | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | X |
Penal or correctional institution | S | S | |||||||||
Police station or fire station | X | P | P | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | X |
Public park | X | X | X | X | X | X | P | P | P | P | X |
Public or commercial sanitary landfill | S | ||||||||||
Public library, museum or gallery | P | P | P | P | P | X | X | P | X | ||
Public elementary, junior high school, or senior high school | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | P | X | ||
Public fairgrounds | P | P | X | ||||||||
Public parking lot | P | P | S | X | X | X | X | ||||
Public maintenance and storage garage | X | P | X | X | |||||||
Public utilities office | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | X | |||
Telecommunication tower and station | P | P | P | P | P | X | |||||
Recycling center | P | ||||||||||
Recycling pickup station | X | P | P | X | |||||||
Religious tent meeting (non-affiliated) | P | ||||||||||
Sewage lift station | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | X |
Sewage treatment plant or lagoon | P | P | X | ||||||||
Solid waste transfer station | S | ||||||||||
Taxi terminal | P | P | X | X | |||||||
Telegraph office | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | X | |||
Telephone exchange | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | |
Water treatment plant | P | P | X | ||||||||
Public swimming pool | P | P | P | P | X | X | X | ||||
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020; Ord. 2022-O-3, passed 5-17-2022)
(A) Two or more principal structures are permitted on a lot for multi-family developments, institutional uses, and hotels or motels.
(B) For all other land uses, no more than one principal structure shall be established on one lot unless there is an approved planned development.
(C) Mixed use developments are only permitted in CB, CN, I-1 and PL districts.
(D) Accessory structures are permitted in all districts for all land uses and must adhere to the development standards for the district.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)
(A) Unless otherwise noted, uses listed as permitted, provisional, or special uses can all be principal uses on a lot.
(B) If a use bears no resemblance to nay of the principal uses, such use shall be deemed to be prohibited use in all districts.
(C) No use listed in any district shall include other uses specifically listed elsewhere. The term "retail establishments" shall not be interpreted to include any of the other commercial uses specifically mentioned in the list of permitted uses.
(D) All uses are subject to performance standards, development standards, and design standards established for the district in which the use is permitted.
(Ord. 2020-O-3, passed 2-18-2020)