(a) Intent. C-4 areas are designed to serve the entire region with retail and employment services as indicated on the future land use map. The C-4 areas are the most intense business and retail area in the city. Businesses include malls, big box stores, super grocery stores, warehouse clubs, department stores, and furniture stores. C-4 centers attract shoppers from all over the city and surrounding region.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: regional retail employment (RE5).
(2) Form: community retail employment (RE4).
(3) Form: parking-oriented retail employment (RE3).
(4) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(5) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide for a number of light manufacturing, offices, wholesale, warehousing, service forms and uses, and supporting retail uses in an attractive industrial or office park setting. It is the intention of this district to provide high-amenity industrial or office development along the major streets and adjacent to higher density residential areas, while allowing for more traditional industrial development in the interior of the industrial areas.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: warehousing and manufacturing-light (WM1).
(2) Form: business and community facilities —small (BCF1).
(3) Form: business and community facilities —community service (BCF2).
(4) Form: business and community facilities-large (BCF3).
(5) Form: parking-oriented retail employment (RE3).
(6) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(7) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide for heavy industrial uses that may create some nuisance and which are not properly associated with, nor compatible with, residential, office, institutional, or planned or neighborhood commercial establishments. Additional standards are included within this district to help mitigate some of the operations of these forms and uses.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: warehousing and manufacturing-heavy (WM2).
(2) Primary Form: warehousing and manufacturing-mining and waste (WM3).
(3) Form: warehousing and manufacturing —light (WM1).
(4) Form: business and community facilities —large (BCF3).
(5) Form: business and community facilities —community service (BCF2).
(6) Form: business and community facilities —small (BCF1).
(7) Form: limited retail employment (RE1).
(8) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(9) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. It shall be the intent of this district to encourage and support the continued operation and vitality of the Sioux Falls Regional Airport by allowing certain airport-related commercial/industrial and recreational uses in accordance with this chapter, state law, and Federal Aviation Administration regulations. All regulations within this zoning chapter shall be administered by the Sioux Falls Regional Airport Authority.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: warehousing and manufacturing —airport facilities (WM4).
(2) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(3) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide the city with open space and natural areas to provide protection from floods and erosion, to protect views, to preserve natural settings for wildlife habitats, to add to the aesthetic quality of the community, and to lessen the urban density. Other allowable uses include golf courses, cemeteries, and other similar uses that are typically compatible with a conservation area.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: conservation open space (Open1).
(2) Form: business and community facilities —open space (BCF4).
(3) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(4) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide the city with recreational opportunities and open space and to provide areas where athletic events and community events can be accommodated. Uses typical of a recreational district include public parks and public recreation areas.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: recreation open space (Open2).
(2) Form: business and community facilities —open space (BCF4).
(3) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(4) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. It shall be the intent of this district to provide for a limited agricultural industry within the city limits. Agricultural districts within city limits are typically agricultural lands transitioning to future urban uses. This transition should therefore maintain current agricultural operations until such time as it can be rezoned to a more appropriate urban zoning district. Land that is important to preserve in its natural state should remain within an agriculture district or be rezoned to a CN Conservation district to help protect environmental assets such as rivers and floodplains, critical open space, urban forests, soils, wetlands, and steep slope areas.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: agriculture open space (Open3).
(2) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(3) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(4) Form: warehousing and manufacturing —mining and waste (WM3).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. In urban villages, densities are high and projects frequently have the scale and character of a downtown or town center district. This street orientation creates a much tighter streetscape setting, reducing traffic speeds and increasing walkability. In vertical mixed-use or urban villages, the building rather than parking lots define the street and structures typically have two or more stories. Urban villages also create populated places rather than just providing lots for development; consequently, appearance, design, and function of the development is emphasized along with land use.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: village mixed-use (RE6).
(2) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(3) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. It shall be the purpose of this planned unit development district to make the central business district the focal point of the city, encouraging private and public investment which will preserve the central business district as the primary office, hotel, institutional, cultural, and entertainment center of the city. It is further the purpose of this district to encourage a strong supportive retail center in the central business district that will complement other downtown uses and the surrounding neighborhoods. It is the intent of this district to place a high priority on the quality of design, integrating new forms and uses with existing structures in a cohesive and attractive manner. Forms and uses along the riverfront should be oriented towards the greenway and riverwalk system. Development should facilitate the transportation needs of individuals and businesses and a well-balanced transportation system that would recognize the importance of all modes, either pedestrian, bicycling, transit, automobile, or truck in nature.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: village mixed-use (RE6).
(2) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(3) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)